Bye, Abe, George and Diane!
@george-k said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
[Feinstein's] star has dimmed in recent years with dismayed liberals joining calls for her retirement last year after she embraced Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham at the end of heated confirmation hearings for U.S. Supreme Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett.
Seriously: I think we're in trouble.
That is really goofy.
I was reading an article about a recent documentary about Dr. Martin Luther King and the FBI files.
It indicated that he was overall a good person, but did have some flaws (adultery, etc.). Should that be disqualifying for him?
@taiwan_girl said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
It indicated that he was overall a good person, but did have some flaws (adultery, etc.). Should that be disqualifying for him?
That depends. Did Diane Feinstein hug him?
Thinking about all this . . . before we (okay, me) get to squalling so hard that our heads spin around and pop off at the neck, it behooves us to remember that all actions have consequences. You do X, Y follows.
If, as it seems, the idiocracy is taking over formal education, (at all levels apparently) what will smart parents with smart kids do? How will they react? Smart parents who are not only smart, but versed in reality? Who can actually spell "common sense"? Do you think they'll send their kids to the Dimwit Academy and hope for the best? Would you?
That's all I got right now.
@taiwan_girl said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
That is really goofy.
I was reading an article about a recent documentary about Dr. Martin Luther King and the FBI files.
It indicated that he was overall a good person, but did have some flaws (adultery, etc.). Should that be disqualifying for him?
King liked his women.
And, if you know people who knew him, you couldn't have swung a dead cat and not hit a gun in his house.
@catseye3 said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
Thinking about all this . . . before we (okay, me) get to squalling so hard that our heads spin around and pop off at the neck, it behooves us to remember that all actions have consequences. You do X, Y follows.
If, as it seems, the idiocracy is taking over formal education, (at all levels apparently) what will smart parents with smart kids do? How will they react? Smart parents who are not only smart, but versed in reality? Who can actually spell "common sense"? Do you think they'll send their kids to the Dimwit Academy and hope for the best? Would you?
That's all I got right now.
Private school and home school. And sometimes, home schooling with a certified (usually retired) teacher.
Already been happening in droves.
@jolly said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
Private school and home school. And sometimes, home schooling with a certified (usually retired) teacher.
Already been happening in droves.I actually am aware of that. I'm thinking of a more radical model -- much more stringent entrance requirements, including IQ, evaluation of parenting styles, without government interference having to do with "equality" standards, where equality means freedom to believe and flaunt dumbassery and reject all else because of some cockeyed notion of entitlement. All are welcome, as long as they are open-minded, open to learning, their beliefs and upbringing based in reality.
I don't know, people who know more than I could speak about this mo' better.
@catseye3 said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
@jolly said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
Private school and home school. And sometimes, home schooling with a certified (usually retired) teacher.
Already been happening in droves.I actually am aware of that. I'm thinking of a more radical model -- much more stringent entrance requirements, including IQ, evaluation of parenting styles, without government interference having to do with "equality" standards, where equality means freedom to believe and flaunt dumbassery and reject all else because of some cockeyed notion of entitlement. All are welcome, as long as they are open-minded, open to learning, their beliefs and upbringing based in reality.
I don't know, people who know more than I could speak about this mo' better.
Please conserve your stash. Biden clamped down on docs prescribing necessary opioids today.
@jolly said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
Please conserve your stash. Biden clamped down on docs prescribing necessary opioids today.
I did not say, because I'd have thought it would be obvious, that what I was noodling around with would be something new -- something that hasn't been tried yet.
Just because a thing hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done.
@catseye3 said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
@jolly said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
Please conserve your stash. Biden clamped down on docs prescribing necessary opioids today.
I did not say, because I'd have thought it would be obvious, that what I was noodling around with would be something new -- something that hasn't been tried yet.
Just because a thing hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done.
In this current political climate, meritocracy and pragmatism is DOA.
@jolly said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
In this current political climate, meritocracy and pragmatism is DOA.
Bringing me back to my initial point -- if there is no good schooling available for my kid, then I need to invent some. Me and however many other million smart parents with smart kids there are. It wouldn't be easy, but it's not insurmountable.
Be careful not to conflate reality as presented by MSM and reality as experienced by 328 million Americans.
Cats, you're on the right track. Charter schools can be very good.
I was on the School Board for 12 years, in Oregon's 5th largest district. At around the 10th year, given what I had seen force its way into the curriculum and new left-wing board members who were well-funded by the democrats -- I realized that to be honest, I would recommend home school or private school to parents.
Even if a surprising number of parents decided to home school or private school, public education is still the behemoth, so the radical leftist influence will continue as long as it continues its hold in the universities.
San Francisco will be mired in insanity, if they look to rename those schools. But, it's San Francisco so it's more the normal anyway. We had the very loud groups of certain parents that worked very hard to convince the Board to name our new schools after "appropriate" persons.
Personally, I encouraged naming schools after the local geography, or anything other than a person's name, especially an "appropriate" name. I lost. Our newest high school, after tearing the community apart, was named after the newest sitting Oregon supreme court member, even before she was seated on the court. But, she was black and female, so, more than "appropriate" for the name.
Rainman, thanks very much for this. Nothing like a contribution from someone with hands-on experience -- especially 12 years worth!
I was doing blue-sky musing with my remarks. You very obviously know a zillion times more about this.
So what's to be done? Are we doomed to launch kids into society who are dumb and getting dumber?
@copper said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
We need a simple list of approved names
I'll start
Jane Fonda
Ethel Rosenberg
Eva Braun
Dixie ChixThe Che Guevara PreSchool and Kindergarten...
@catseye3 said in Bye, Abe, George and Diane!:
Rainman, thanks very much for this. Nothing like a contribution from someone with hands-on experience -- especially 12 years worth!
I was doing blue-sky musing with my remarks. You very obviously know a zillion times more about this.
So what's to be done? Are we doomed to launch kids into society who are dumb and getting dumber?
Sadly, yes.
But, there are areas of the country where public ed is producing great results. It depends so much on the local community. If parents get involved and make their voices heard, it makes a difference. Unfortunately, it is the loudest woke voices that control too much, in too many communities.And frankly, the kids aren't dumb. If they have engaged parents, they will grow to be as capable and wise as all of us brilliant public school graduates on this forum!
There is so much involved. Classroom discipline, federal mandates, leadership of the district from Superintendent including central cabinet. State legislators, dept. of education running left-wing rampant (for example, the "Dear Colleagues" letter by Obama becoming policy statewide) and on and on, and then the ACT and Coleman's new common core based SAT.
My only hope is that somehow, reasonable parents become involved, to shut down those that are trying to change the world starting with the youngest children learning "critical thinking" skills.
There are great teachers. If they become influential, that makes a tremendous difference at the building level. All schools have something akin to Site Counsels. Very powerful committee if the principal allows teachers to guide the culture of the building, from classroom discipline to choices in curriculum.
Portland Public experimented with the old K-8 model, as opposed to a middle school concept. Good idea, but they dropped it after several years. Just didn't work, for lots of reasons. I mention that only because it is often suggested that going back to that old model is perhaps a viable solution. Maybe in certain communities, but not as a district-wide model.
It is indeed complicated. And like everything else, it has been politicized at pretty much all levels.
Maybe we could all move to Boston, that would help. Concentrated higher education region, along with public schools with top test scores (as a generalization, white rich districts in Boston's suburbs are excellent), and in Virginia and until recently, California especially in higher ed.
When whites are pushed far enough, then the backlash from the whites and Asian communities in this intersectional climate will indeed be throwing around IQ stats. That will be ugly, as affirmative action grows and people are placed into positions of influence depending on skin color. Then it will be competence and merit, and IQ etc. as eventual push back agains the nonsense. The left is playing with fire in the long term.