Anyone see Romney speak last night?
I have long said that, in hindsight, I wish he had won in 2012. Obama’s second term was somewhere between uneventful and bad, and a Romney presidency would have saved us from Trump.
Even during the 2012 campaign I said that I liked Governor Romney, but didn’t want a GOP president with a GOP Congress, which we then had.
I never liked Romney's tendency to flip-flop regarding his life-long held beliefs, but I have to say he was a pretty good Governor of Massachusetts, as is the current Republican, Charlie Baker.
I should probably have worried less about flip-flopping, and instead celebrated a willingness to compromise.
His face is what surprised me, but as I look at it it appears it might have just been the sun marks from ski goggles.
I like Romney, just not as much as I like Obama at the national stage. I consider Romney the “least objectionable” Presidential nominee put up by the GOP since GHW Bush. I was disappointed that Romney disavowed his own Massachusetts healthcare reform work that laid the foundation for ObamaCare, but I very much appreciated RomneyCare when I lived in Massachusetts, and generally considered Romney a very competent governor.
I have long said that, in hindsight, I wish he had won in 2012. Obama’s second term was somewhere between uneventful and bad, and a Romney presidency would have saved us from Trump.
Even during the 2012 campaign I said that I liked Governor Romney, but didn’t want a GOP president with a GOP Congress, which we then had.
@jon-nyc said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
I have long said that, in hindsight, I wish he had won in 2012. Obama’s second term was somewhere between uneventful and bad, and a Romney presidency would have saved us from Trump.
Even during the 2012 campaign I said that I liked Governor Romney, but didn’t want a GOP president with a GOP Congress, which we then had.
Blame the media. They made sure Romney could not win.
He really looked bad. Very old and tired.
@mik said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
He really looked bad. Very old and tired.
He must have lost a lot of weight. Look at how big the suit is on him. Also he needs a haircut. And he’s reading verbatim. All that is enough to look like an old pigeon.
@jon-nyc said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
I have long said that, in hindsight, I wish he had won in 2012. Obama’s second term was somewhere between uneventful and bad, and a Romney presidency would have saved us from Trump.
Even during the 2012 campaign I said that I liked Governor Romney, but didn’t want a GOP president with a GOP Congress, which we then had.
Blame the media. They made sure Romney could not win.
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Blame the media. They made sure Romney could not win.
Dog-torturing, funny underwear-wearing, married to a dancing-horse lady weirdo.
@george-k said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Blame the media. They made sure Romney could not win.
Dog-torturing, funny underwear-wearing, married to a dancing-horse lady weirdo.
And those were the puff pieces...
@george-k said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Blame the media. They made sure Romney could not win.
Dog-torturing, funny underwear-wearing, married to a dancing-horse lady weirdo.
And those were the puff pieces...
@george-k said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Blame the media. They made sure Romney could not win.
Dog-torturing, funny underwear-wearing, married to a dancing-horse lady weirdo.
And those were the puff pieces...
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@george-k said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Blame the media. They made sure Romney could not win.
Dog-torturing, funny underwear-wearing, married to a dancing-horse lady weirdo.
And those were the puff pieces...
Vulture capitalist. Fool on Russia was the best though.
I also read that Senator Romney got in a shouting match with some other Republic senators and congressmen when they were isolated in the room after they were evacuated from the chamber.
Basically - “this is the result. Are you happy now?”
I also read that Senator Romney got in a shouting match with some other Republic senators and congressmen when they were isolated in the room after they were evacuated from the chamber.
Basically - “this is the result. Are you happy now?”
@taiwan_girl said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
I also read that Senator Romney got in a shouting match with some other Republic senators and congressmen when they were isolated in the room after they were evacuated from the chamber.
Basically - “this is the result. Are you happy now?”
Big whoop.
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@george-k said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Blame the media. They made sure Romney could not win.
Dog-torturing, funny underwear-wearing, married to a dancing-horse lady weirdo.
And those were the puff pieces...
Vulture capitalist. Fool on Russia was the best though.
@loki said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@george-k said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Blame the media. They made sure Romney could not win.
Dog-torturing, funny underwear-wearing, married to a dancing-horse lady weirdo.
And those were the puff pieces...
Vulture capitalist. Fool on Russia was the best though.
Russia is kind of the all-purpose foil. It can be whatever you want it to be.
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@george-k said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@jolly said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Blame the media. They made sure Romney could not win.
Dog-torturing, funny underwear-wearing, married to a dancing-horse lady weirdo.
And those were the puff pieces...
Vulture capitalist. Fool on Russia was the best though.
@loki said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Fool on Russia was the best though.
Compared to McCain, Romney had no discernible clue about about Putin or Russia. However, the apparent understanding of Russia throughout the Obama administration was dismal. The damage Hilary Clinton did as Sect'y of State will not be repaired anytime soon. Trump might have been able to do something but he either couldn't politically or didn't because it was too complicated.
The only ones who understood Russia were Reagan and Bush Sr. But then, they had first class advisors.
@loki said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Fool on Russia was the best though.
Compared to McCain, Romney had no discernible clue about about Putin or Russia. However, the apparent understanding of Russia throughout the Obama administration was dismal. The damage Hilary Clinton did as Sect'y of State will not be repaired anytime soon. Trump might have been able to do something but he either couldn't politically or didn't because it was too complicated.
The only ones who understood Russia were Reagan and Bush Sr. But then, they had first class advisors.
@loki said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Fool on Russia was the best though.
Compared to McCain, Romney had no discernible clue about about Putin or Russia. However, the apparent understanding of Russia throughout the Obama administration was dismal. The damage Hilary Clinton did as Sect'y of State will not be repaired anytime soon. Trump might have been able to do something but he either couldn't politically or didn't because it was too complicated.
The only ones who understood Russia were Reagan and Bush Sr. But then, they had first class advisors.
@renauda said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
@loki said in Anyone see Romney speak last night?:
Fool on Russia was the best though.
Compared to McCain, he had no clue. However, the understanding of Russia throughout the Obama administration was dismal. The damage Hilary Clinton did as Sect'y of State will not be repaired anytime soon. Trump might have been able to do something but he either couldn't politically or didn't because it was too complicated.
The only ones who understood Russia were Reagan and Bush Sr. But then, they had first class advisors.
If not for the Russia! hoax, I think Trump would have tried harder. But any overtures to Putin were immediately suspect in the media and rendered rational politics moot.
Yes Jolly, I would agree with what you just wrote with a few possible caveats.
People here might recall that prior to my extended hiatus, I never subscribed to the Russian collision accusation leveled at Trump. Of course the Russians interfered where possible in social media with the 2016 election to discredit Clinton. They also undoubtedly hacked the DNC. They also likely targeted a few in the Trump campaign to co-opt them for future utility. Well so what? Disinformation and targets of opportunity are part of sometimes high stakes game Moscow and Washington have been playing since the 1920s.
Still, it always struck me how Trump always came across as somehow cowed by Putin. After Trump's one encounter face to face with Putin in Helsinki two years ago, the world saw a noticeably subdued and sheepish and subdued Trump at their joint press conference in Helsinki. If I didn't know better I would suspect that behind those closed doors Putin, in no uncertain terms, layed out to Trump on matters pertaining to the dismal state of Russia US relations since GW Bush's second term and the whole of the Obama Administration; foreign policy topics such as Syria, Ukraine and NATO; as well as bilateral nuclear security topics, all which which left the POTUS speechless. To top it off Putin could very well have shown a few embarrassing banking documents involving Trump corporate business interests and dubious Russian money transfers into and out of the former's numerous real estate assets and offshore bank accounts.
This is of course is my read on the matter as foreign policy issues regarding Russia remain more than just a passing interest of mine. Like the cartoon character said, "I knows you did it - I just don't when you's did it or how's you did it. But I knows you did it".
No one, other than perhaps Vladimir Putin it seems, knows just what it is he did.