Kitchen Shears - any recommendation?
Folks, I need to replace my current pair of kitchen shears (scissors). Before I hand over my hard earned $5.47 to Walmart, I figure I would consult the colletive wisdom of TNCR to see if you knowledgeable folks might have any recommendation for kitchen shears.
Second the recommendation that kitchen shears should come apart, but I think those types will cost more than $5.47.
If you're asking about brands, we have Cutco. It's lasted us 20 years and has only been sharpened once (and that was only because we threw it in with all the other knives, thinking 'what the heck, sure').
Don't buy anything sharp for $5.47.
OXO kitchen shears. Sharp AF. Well made, they come apart in < 1s. Well designed grip as you'd expect from them.
I hide mine in the back of a drawer so no one uses them on non-food items. I take them apart and wash them like I would a knife after every use.
More than $5, but worth it.
I keep a separate set of scissors more accessible in the kitchen for paper and boxes, etc. Those are cheap ones.
Buy a decent pair for heavy uses. Buy three or four of these and toss as they get dull:
Thanks, folks!
I placed an order for this:
It can be taken apart for cleaning, the handle/group look ergonomic enough, and it claims to be "heavy duty." Will see how that works out.
In terms of expected usage, I don't use "kitchen shears" much except to cut open food packaging. Maybe I have used kitchen shears to cut bacon strips once or twice. So as long as it can can be cleaned easily and can hold up to cutting vacuum packed plastic packaging, it should be fine for me. Thanks.