Wrong Number ... the sheer incompetence of the Trump campaig
In social media postings Sunday, the president's campaign organization targeted Chatfield and Lee Shirkey, a Republican and the Senate majority leader. “Hear the evidence ... Correct false statements ... Demand vote on decertification,” the campaign said on Facebook.
The posting provided email addresses and phone numbers for Chatfield and Shirkey. But the number listed as Chatfield's actually belonged to Rose, who moved from northern Michigan to the Oakland, California, area five months ago.Of course Trump himself retweeted it. Of course Rose got a ton of unwanted (and some very angry) calls/texts because of that, and some of Trump’s own supporters are frustrated that their calls/texts did not go where there they intended.
Not as bad putting up an “expert” testimony that confuses one state’s voter roll data with another state’s, but still pretty bad. Both show gross incompetence of the Trump team.