Doctors told Lindsay that the reason for her miscarriages was her poor egg quality, so they put her on a hormone drug called Follistim. On cycle 3 of the treatment, she conceived the quadruplets.
All four of them needed breathing support when they were born via C-section at 30 weeks and 4 days.
The quadruplets stayed in the NICU for 45 days, which Lindsay described as worry-free and “uneventful” because all of them were “thriving”.
Last month, Lindsay, who is also an online influencer, shared side-by-side photos that wowed her 236,000 Instagram followers.
A friend of mine had twins (i believe via artificial), and they were premature and had to stay in NICU for a period.
As she and her husband told me, "Thank god for insurance!". I think the cost was somewhere about USD$500,000, and this was more than 10 years ago.