Dinner, yesterday.
The NYT had a recipe yesterday (I think) for Rib Roast (prime rib) which I never cook - it was simple and it was fantastic.
The piece I bought (about 6 pounds, bone in, from Walmart, surprisingly) had a ton of fat in it (which probably helped), all you did was set it out on the counter for a couple of hours, then butter the cut sides, and pat a mixture of flour, salt and pepper over the whole thing. , then 20 - 30 minutes at 450 in a shallow roasting pan (no rack, bone side down), turn down to 350 until the internal temp was where you wanted (we did 120 degrees - it was perfectly pinkish red through the whole thing, could easily have gone to 125.
The recipe said to baste every 15 minutes, but I didn’t do that, I just kept the oven door shut (meat thermometer with wire to thingie on the counter). Gorgeous salty crunchy crust on the outside, fantastic flavor - so easy. Served with mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables and brussel sprouts, steamed chocolate pudding with hard sauce for dessert. -
Delicious! Flouring the roast really helps make a nice crust.
We had Red Wine Braised Short Ribs and homemade focaccia with roasted carrots. Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies from The Girl and the Goat. Another nice cab from Mark's recommendation, Naked Wines. What was great was daughter cooked!!
Delicious! Flouring the roast really helps make a nice crust.
We had Red Wine Braised Short Ribs and homemade focaccia with roasted carrots. Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies from The Girl and the Goat. Another nice cab from Mark's recommendation, Naked Wines. What was great was daughter cooked!!
@mik Yum!! And having somebody cook for you is so awesome! (Sadness in my older age, and seemingly more noticeable post covid - wine triggers migraines for me more often than not now, seem to only be able to deal with lighter beers too, so yesterday Steve drank the good wine and I had an N/A beer.)