Got tree?
The wife has two Christmas trees up, the regular one and her Angel Tree. My son's wife has one in every room except the kitchen.
Got yours up, yet?
Got tree last weekend. Put in house today. Will decorate when a few more of the tribe arrive. It’s a big tradition. The ornaments are multigenerational and many come with memories that are evoked as they appear.
No more magic potions to enhance tree life as myth busters proved them all useless.
Yep. Garlands and a wreath, too.
We officially finished everything last night. My kids get a tree each in their bedrooms. We have an ornament tree and a toy tree. The ornament tree is a metal tree that spins around; the toy tree is covered with my kids old toys. I have to put that particular tree up because if my kids do it, they will start reminiscing and play with their old toys and then that tree will never get done.