Oh, look! A Hunter investigation
@George-K said in Oh, look! A Hunter investigation:
And now that Joe's the presumptive nominee,
You mean President-Elect?
@jon-nyc said in Oh, look! A Hunter investigation:
@George-K said in Oh, look! A Hunter investigation:
And now that Joe's the presumptive nominee,
You mean President-Elect?
He's not the President elect.
Byron York writes:
"There is absolutely no evidence to indicate that either Biden did anything improper," former FBI number-two Andrew McCabe said on CNN on September 20, 2019, as the impeachment battle began. "There is absolutely no evidence any of these allegations are true," said CNN correspondent Jessica Dean the next day, September 21, 2019. "We need to state here explicitly, there is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe Biden or his son Hunter Biden," said CNN anchor Victor Blackwell a day later, on September 22, 2019. The talk went on through September, October, November and beyond. "There absolutely no evidence that either did anything wrong," said CNN anchor Don Lemon on November 6, 2019.
Those confident statements that there was "absolutely no evidence" of Hunter Biden wrongdoing were made without having actually investigated Biden's conduct. Indeed, they were made to argue that there should not be such an investigation as part of the impeachment process.
Impeachment came and went. Then, in the last weeks of the presidential campaign, came the Hunter Biden laptop. Reports in the New York Post, based on the contents of Biden's computer, suggested that Biden repeatedly used his father's status in his efforts to make hundreds of thousands of dollars from foreign sources.
The media reaction was to suppress the story and attack the New York Post. In some media circles, the laptop story became The Thing That Cannot Be Said. Facebook limited access to it. Twitter froze the New York Post's account. Many top media organizations simply buried the story. Now, we know that law enforcement examined the laptop, although it is not clear whether its contents have contributed to the current investigation. But the fact that investigators inspected the laptop is part of the story.
The bottom line is that all the time the public was being told that there was "absolutely no evidence" to support any accusation of Hunter Biden misconduct, prosecutors were in fact looking at evidence to support an accusation of Hunter Biden misconduct. All those reports were wrong, wrong, wrong.
Does anyone believe that Joe wasn't connected with the Hunter scandal?
At a minimum he had to know.
If nothing else, Mr. Biden is well connected.
@Copper said in Oh, look! A Hunter investigation:
Does anyone believe that Joe wasn't connected with the Hunter scandal?
At a minimum he had to know.
If nothing else, Mr. Biden is well connected.
A man who has credited himself with his foreign policy chops, who brought Hunter to Ukraine and China, a man who lost his other son and family, a man who lifted Hunter to many boards in the past...is largely unaware of his son’s doings.
Good thing Occam’s razor was cancelled.
Piers Morgan (Piers Morgan!)
I mean imagine if Trump had actually won fair and square and was now preparing to be inaugurated for his second term of office?
Then imagine that his victory was quite narrow, like Biden's, and came down to a few thousand votes in the swing states?
And then imagine that just before the election, a major US newspaper had published an explosive story about his son Donald Trump Jr. based around the contents of his personal laptop that revealed extensive dodgy dealings with people from foreign countries, some very unfriendly to the United States, and which even suggested his father may have been involved in some of those dealings?
Now imagine that in this eventuality, and with none of the key elements of the story denied by the Trumps, 90% of America's mainstream media deliberately refused to cover the story, and social media giants like Twitter and Facebook actively suppressed it altogether?
said at the time that the media's abject failure to properly report the New York Post's scoop about Hunter was a shameful dereliction of journalistic duty driven by the inherent liberal bias of much of the US media – and I said it as a liberal myself.
Predictably, and equally shamefully, the media responded by then trying to censor me too: I was dropped from an appearance on Brian Stelter's CNN media show after going on Fox News and lambasting news organisations like my former CNN employers for refusing to follow up the Post's Biden exposé.
They were happy to buy into Joe Biden's line that it was all a hoax driven by nefarious Russians to discredit him.
Now the same CNN is reporting that the federal investigation is 'examining multiple financial issues, including whether Hunter Biden and associates violated tax and money laundering laws in business dealings in foreign countries, principally China.'
CNN also reports that the investigation had been 'largely dormant in recent months' due to Justice Department rules that prohibit taking legal actions in cases that could affect an election.
That tells me there's enough meat on the bone of the investigation to warrant genuine concern in the Biden camp.
Piers Morgan (Piers Morgan!)
I mean imagine if Trump had actually won fair and square and was now preparing to be inaugurated for his second term of office?
Then imagine that his victory was quite narrow, like Biden's, and came down to a few thousand votes in the swing states?
And then imagine that just before the election, a major US newspaper had published an explosive story about his son Donald Trump Jr. based around the contents of his personal laptop that revealed extensive dodgy dealings with people from foreign countries, some very unfriendly to the United States, and which even suggested his father may have been involved in some of those dealings?
Now imagine that in this eventuality, and with none of the key elements of the story denied by the Trumps, 90% of America's mainstream media deliberately refused to cover the story, and social media giants like Twitter and Facebook actively suppressed it altogether?
said at the time that the media's abject failure to properly report the New York Post's scoop about Hunter was a shameful dereliction of journalistic duty driven by the inherent liberal bias of much of the US media – and I said it as a liberal myself.
Predictably, and equally shamefully, the media responded by then trying to censor me too: I was dropped from an appearance on Brian Stelter's CNN media show after going on Fox News and lambasting news organisations like my former CNN employers for refusing to follow up the Post's Biden exposé.
They were happy to buy into Joe Biden's line that it was all a hoax driven by nefarious Russians to discredit him.
Now the same CNN is reporting that the federal investigation is 'examining multiple financial issues, including whether Hunter Biden and associates violated tax and money laundering laws in business dealings in foreign countries, principally China.'
CNN also reports that the investigation had been 'largely dormant in recent months' due to Justice Department rules that prohibit taking legal actions in cases that could affect an election.
That tells me there's enough meat on the bone of the investigation to warrant genuine concern in the Biden camp.
@George-K said in Oh, look! A Hunter investigation:
(Piers Morgan!)
It's worth pointing out that the delightful Mr. Morgan is typically so far up Trump's ass that he can swap spit with Sean Hannity.
Maybe we can refer to Joe as The Senile SOB.
A subpoena seeking documents from Hunter Biden asked for information related to more than two dozen entities, including Ukraine gas company Burisma, according to a person familiar with a Justice Department tax investigation of President-elect Joe Biden’s son.
The breadth of the subpoena, issued Tuesday, underscores the wide-angle lens prosecutors are taking as they examine the younger Biden’s finances and international business ventures.
Hunter Biden’s ties to Burisma in particular have long dogged the policy work and political aspirations of his father, Joe Biden, now the president-elect of the United States. It’s unclear whether Hunter Biden’s work at the Ukrainian company is a central part of the federal investigation or whether prosecutors are simply seeking information about all his sources of income in recent years.
Burisma...That's interesting...
Now, the $64 question...What happens if some of this spatters on Joe?
Hunter Biden called his father, President-elect Joe Biden, and his Chinese business partner “office mates” in a Sept. 21, 2017, email to the general manager of his former Washington, D.C. office building.
“[P]lease have keys made available for new office mates,” Hunter Biden wrote in the email before listing Joe Biden, his stepmother Jill Biden, his uncle Jim Biden and Gongwen Dong, who he identified as the “emissary” for the chairman of the now-bankrupt Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.
Hunter Biden also requested that a sign be made for his office stating “The Biden Foundation” and “Hudson West (CEFC US).”
There are two stories here:
Why Barr kept the investigation under wraps. Most reasonable people seem to think that he didn't want to do what Comey did in 2016. Also, he was following DOJ policy.
Why Twitter Facebook and others spiked the story. This has the potential for being (in Joe's words) a big fucking deal. The fact that they suppressed it is shameful. I'm seeing all kinds of headlines that say, "Media are now reporting...."
"Now?" Really?
There are two stories here:
Why Barr kept the investigation under wraps. Most reasonable people seem to think that he didn't want to do what Comey did in 2016. Also, he was following DOJ policy.
Why Twitter Facebook and others spiked the story. This has the potential for being (in Joe's words) a big fucking deal. The fact that they suppressed it is shameful. I'm seeing all kinds of headlines that say, "Media are now reporting...."
"Now?" Really?