“Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee”
@Loki what do you think of that?
To me, the biggest problem with the US response to Covid is that it is not been agreed with all the states.
If One state wants to be tough, but if every state around them is not, then it will fail.
There really needed to be a nation wide set of rules. I think that would have helped. Maybe it is not possible to do that in the US however.
I was having fun mostly with Bridgegate, the siege on Chris Christie that so many people said “nothing to see here”.
But I do think these are urgent months to eliminate deaths now that we have a solution. The mere threat of a check point will be enough for many to skip the trip and perhaps save a few of their old and vulnerable loved ones. And god those vaccines can’t come fast enough.
At a minimum production should be at highest capacity and vaccines deployed to the nearest dispensing locations so as the FDA says go to each we can administer.
Your life depends more on get the vaccine than whoever is President and whatever mitigation we put into place.
@Loki said in “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee”:
The idiots will make headlines.
And they will torture a lot of travelers.
A nice companion to TSA.