We need to take a chill pill
There’s an edge to the forum lately and I think it’s mostly due to all of the outside stress affecting us all. It’s been primarily popping up in threads dealing with opening back up for business and it’s getting close to getting nasty.
I don’t believe anybody on this forum thinks that on May 1st we should all go to the movies, then a music festival, followed by lap dances all around to celebrate beating the virus and opening the economy back up.
I also don’t believe that anybody in this forum thinks that we can turtle up completely until there’s a vaccine and not gave irreparable damage to tens of millions of people in this country and causing irreparable harm.
Both sides want the same thing and are really pretty close in mindset, yet there’s this constant tension. It’s not good.
Everybody needs to come to my 8:30PM EST Happy Hour and chill.
Tell me more about the lap dances...