We'll let POTUS know later
@jon-nyc said in We'll let POTUS know later:
Trump’s efforts to overrule his FDA on safety standards in order to get an emergency approval in before the election caused a significant loss of confidence in the vaccine approval process. Polling showed a 15+ percent drop in confidence overall, with even a material drop among Republicans, who were already majority skeptics on taking the vaccine. It got to the point where the presidents of 7 major pharmaceutical companies signed a statement basically saying they would only seek approval on the FDA’s timeline.
I don't disagree with any of your comments, but, like @xenon , you're justifying Pfizer's behavior (which you earlier commented was inappropriate) on Trump's past behavior. One bad actor doesn't justify another.
Not letting Trump announce it was justified on public health grounds. Telling Biden and not Trump was disrespectful to Trump since he is the sitting president.
George I don’t follow.
I explained how Trump tainted the process by subordinating safety concerns to his election self-interest.
You make think that’s unfair, but it’s empirically supported, and already affected the behavior of all the major pharmaceutical companies..
Sorry the missing link is that I don’t think Pfizer could reasonably trust Trump not to announce it if they let him know in advance.
@jon-nyc said in We'll let POTUS know later:
I explained how Trump tainted the process by subordinating safety concerns to his election self-interest.
And I explained how his bad behavior doesn't justify Pfizer's bad behavior - "Mom..."
I don't disagree with his bad behavior analysis. I'm simply saying that to justify Pfizer's bad behavior in that context is no better.
So to recap - they were justified in not telling him because of the risk he’d announce it.
I agree that telling Biden and not Trump was disrespectful.
I’m not sure if there’s anything we disagree on at this point.
@jon-nyc said in We'll let POTUS know later:
I don’t think Pfizer could reasonably trust Trump not to announce it if they let him know in advance.
OK - so they let Biden know on Sunday, and let Trump know it via the press.
Is that what you're saying? 24 hours would have made a difference in anything?
Nope, this was purely spite and disrespect. Exactly what everyone accuses Trump of, though in a more subtle way.
We cross posted, see my last.
@George-K said in We'll let POTUS know later:
@jon-nyc said in We'll let POTUS know later:
We cross posted, see my last.
Just saw it. Yup. Both were assholes, to sum it up. The only difference is the timeframe.
No, the difference is Pfizer is justified to fear Trump announcing the news in a way that is detrimental to public health. Pfizer has no such concern with sharing this news with Biden.
The timeframe is immaterial. The difference comes down to trust: Biden can be trusted to not undermine public trust with the advance notice, Trump cannot.
The above is me going by @jon-nyc's "risk to public health" rationale, with which I also acknowledge that had the same rationale been applied, Pfizer could probably not have sufficient trust in Kanye to tell Kanye the news ahead of Pfizer's own announcement, but Pfizer would equally be fine to tell the news to, say, Jo Jorgensen without worrying about Jorgensen handling that information in a way that undermines public trust.
His actions had a material impact on the percentage of people - Dem, Republican, and Independent alike - that trusted the safety of the process.
@jon-nyc said in We'll let POTUS know later:
His actions had a material impact on the percentage of people - Dem, Republican, and Independent alike - that trusted the safety of the process.
That is the lunacy that cnn has sold for the last 4 years.
There is absolutely no way to measure that.
But if it supports the hate it is a fact.
@jon-nyc said in We'll let POTUS know later:
His actions had a material impact on the percentage of people - Dem, Republican, and Independent alike - that trusted the safety of the process.
As long as you when you get the vaccine you get a card and that card lets you move around the country and get into places I could give a flying fvck about the nitwits who have some brain disease that they don’t trust it.
@Loki said in We'll let POTUS know later:
@jon-nyc said in We'll let POTUS know later:
His actions had a material impact on the percentage of people - Dem, Republican, and Independent alike - that trusted the safety of the process.
As long as you when you get the vaccine you get a card and that card lets you move around the country and get into places I could give a flying fvck about the nitwits who have some brain disease that they don’t trust it.
Unless the proprietors of the private businesses whose buildings you want to get into trust the vaccine and recognize your card, the proprietors can refuse you entry to their businesses. Unless you want the federal government to mandate people’s access to private properties based on cards issued by the federal government, you should root for public trust.
@Copper said in We'll let POTUS know later:
There is absolutely no way to measure that.
Poll question about trust in a vaccine, 8/28-9/20. It’s posted in another thread.