One thing I've noticed..
@Jolly he’s been mentioning it since he lost the popular vote to Hillary. Presumably it bugged him since he’s not a fan of the electoral college.
What was it? 3 million votes that he complained about? I think he started an investigation into it.
What did he find?
I’m sure there a bunch of voting irregularities in this country. I don’t see why anything would be particularly different for this election.
The sorta stuff he’s claiming would involve some sort of massive unspoken conspiracy between media outlets and individual poll workers.
Also - the lawsuits filed to date don’t seem very substantial:
Maybe not. Let them dig.
If I was Biden, I'd encourage it.
@Jolly 100% he should encourage it. “File lawsuits, it’s your right. Etc. Etc.” Trump will look small if it fizzles.
This is a tangent - but the biggest driver of the Russia narrative was Trump. He wouldn’t shut up about it. And he’s the one who said dumb things to Lester Holt (I think) and got it all rolling in the first place. If he has said from day 1: “investigate all you want. I didn’t do anything. I look forward to your conclusions, etc.” it’d be a bit of a non-story.
That's absolute revisionist, Grade A, Bullshit.
@xenon said in One thing I've noticed..:
@Jolly well that’s my opinion, and has been for a while. I can find multiple old posts saying the same thing - because that’s been my opinion for a while
You can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, sapphire. Anybody with half a brain knows who drove the Russia! narrative. They know the lies told to FISA judges. They know that the Hillary paid for a steaming stack of shit, that the lies were based on. They know about the absolute lies told by the Schiff-head and the kangaroo court of Nadler the Hut. They know how careers were ruined, people bankrupted and absolute partisan chaos was rained down on the Trump Administration from the Demonrat opposition with the help of their media arm - NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSDNC.
If we were still a decent country, we would drag some of these traitors out of the halls of Congress and club them like baby seals on Constitution Avenue, then hang the corpses off of Arlington Memorial Bridge until the bodies rotted off of the ropes, like the Turks do off of the bridge on JFK Avenue. That is, if the stench doesn't turn the noses of the statues of heroes on the bridge.
But we won't do that. We're Republicans. We're too damn nice for that. We actually believe that winning at all costs, is detrimental to the country, unlike the power-hungry wastes of human flesh that drove this silly ass stack of bullshit.
Now, have I made myself clear? Don't just shake your head, sapphire. The rattling bothers my nerves.
@Jolly said in One thing I've noticed..:
If we were still a decent country, we would drag some of these traitors out of the halls of Congress and club them like baby seals on Constitution Avenue, then hang the corpses off of Arlington Memorial Bridge until the bodies rotted off of the ropes, like the Turks do off of the bridge on JFK Avenue. That is, if the stench doesn't turn the noses of the statues of heroes on the bridge.
I hope you posted that vision of a "decent' country only because you're drunk. The sort of extrajudicial violence you fantasize about there is un-Constitutional and un-American.
@xenon said in One thing I've noticed..:
@Jolly what’s a sapphire?
I rather suspect it's what he's putting in his tonic water.
@Axtremus said in One thing I've noticed..:
@Jolly said in One thing I've noticed..:
If we were still a decent country, we would drag some of these traitors out of the halls of Congress and club them like baby seals on Constitution Avenue, then hang the corpses off of Arlington Memorial Bridge until the bodies rotted off of the ropes, like the Turks do off of the bridge on JFK Avenue. That is, if the stench doesn't turn the noses of the statues of heroes on the bridge.
I hope you posted that vision of a "decent' country only because you're drunk. The sort of extrajudicial violence you fantasize about there is un-Constitutional and un-American.
You know, I drink very little. I think I had a beer a couple of weeks ago.
EDIT: Come to think of it, that level of violence is very effective. Has worked for centuries. When you ruminate back upon the day, be very happy we are Americans and do not resort to such.
@xenon said in One thing I've noticed..:
@Jolly well that’s my opinion, and has been for a while. I can find multiple old posts saying the same thing - because that’s been my opinion for a while
Do you think that your opinion becomes factual just because you've held it for a long time?
@Larry said in One thing I've noticed..:
@xenon said in One thing I've noticed..:
@Jolly well that’s my opinion, and has been for a while. I can find multiple old posts saying the same thing - because that’s been my opinion for a while
Do you think that your opinion becomes factual just because you've held it for a long time?
Sonetimes, the longer you hold something, the more bothersome it becomes.
@xenon said in One thing I've noticed..:
I was reacting to Jolly's use of the term "revisionist". An opinion is not revisionist if you've held it consistently.
And I understand the difference between an opinion and fact.
"An opinion is not revisionist if you've held it consistently".......
You have GOT to be joking.
@xenon said in One thing I've noticed..:
@Larry How do you go back and "revise" an opinion that you haven't changed?
No one has said you went back and revised your opinion. Jolly said your OPINION is revisionist. From the get go. From the first day you formed your opinion all the way to today, your unchanged opinion is pure unadulterated revisionist history. It bears no semblance to the truth.