Retired Doc
I've known Bob C since 1976. We were interns together, and we shared services for at least 3 months from 1976 through 1977. In July of 1977 we went our separate ways - I went off to my anesthesia residency, and Bob went off to his internal medicine residency. We didn't see each other for decades.
In 1995, or so, I found that Bob had joined (and helped establish) a large multi-specialty practice in my "sister" hospital. His office, it turns out, was only about 20 minutes from home. I made an appointment to see him, and, liking what I saw, I decided that he'd be my internist.
Of course, Mrs. George knew him from the "old days" as well, and he became her doctor as well.
In the intervening 25 years, I found that Bob was a really good doc. Perhaps not the most cutting-edge, but certainly among the most practical, no bullshit docs I've ever known.
I can't believe I've known him longer than I've known Mrs. George.
We've always gotten along well, sharing memories, stories and bullshit.
He's retiring on December 1, and today was my last visit with him. I gave him a bottle of Michter's bourbon whiskey and some nice glasses as a "going away" gift.
I'll miss him, a lot. Even though we parted ways for more than 2 decades, in the last 2 decades, we became friends. Not "let's have dinner" friends, but "let me tell you a funny story" friends.
I'll miss him a lot.
Part of the problem with getting older, is all your docs retire.
There's an awful lot to be said for continuity of care.
Part of the problem with getting older, is all your docs retire.
There's an awful lot to be said for continuity of care.
@Jolly said in Retired Doc:
There's an awful lot to be said for continuity of care.
It goes beyond that.
Although the place where I practiced was never "cutting edge," the quality of care was good. It was one of those "everyone knows everyone" places. Being an OR doc, I could always tell whose patients were well-managed, and whose were not. That's why I liked Bob. One of the ENT guys I worked with had Bob as his doc as well.
Having a doc that you've worked with and trusted make a recommendation was a big deal.
We're transitioning our care to the university (it's only about 10 minutes farther away). When I was there, I knew a lot of people whom I would not trust cutting my dog's toenails. I'm fortunate, I suppose, that I'm sophisticated enough to know who's good and who's not.
I'm seeing the new guy, at the university, next month. I hope I like him.
My doc and I are about the same age. I've been with him at least 30 years. When I mentioned to a doc friend on faculty at Northwestern who he was, he was shocked that I'd be able to see this doc as his clients included a lot of top execs, CEOs and VIP type people. We've become friends over the years as he is both an audiophile and record collector. If anyone is wondering why their doctor is running late, is because of some a......e like me. I am not looking forward to hearing he's retired.