Spent by the Dems in South Carolina senate race. Over $60M in Maine. Over $70M in Kentucky.
$230,000,000+. Graham, Collins and Mcconnell won.
Especially in Maine, which I don't think ever had Collins leading in a poll (she won by 9 points), the polls stunk.
Does this change anything?
President Trump spent $560 million and it looks like he will lose.
BTW, spending is out of control.
I have no idea. But you cited Trump’s comparatively low spending as evidence of out of control spending. Actually if you count PACs he spent around 800M, still a lot less than the competition.
President Trump spent $560 million and it looks like he will lose.
BTW, spending is out of control.
My thinking was that spending in general on ALL races is out of control.
I think that the "Citizens United" case in 2010 was "somewhat" start of it.
I think that the ruling was probably correct on that law, but that does not mean it is for the best thing for the people and society.
They should cap the spend at something like 1 million dollars.
If you can't do something useful with a million bucks you have no business running the country with other people's money.