Post Your Alternative News Sources Here
And okay sure, let's define "alternative." I'm using it to mean that I don't necessarily know the slant the shit it going to take before I read it. Also the subject matter doesn't bore me with its predictability. - this one's almost become its own cliché, but not entirely. - sometimes they crank the partisanship up to 11, sometimes it's nonexistent. - a Jewish life publication that touches on other stuff. It's nice when they do. -
But seriously, one of the things that always makes me laugh are the folks that often use the acronym MSM, and always in a negative sense, like “the MSM wont mention this....”
And always, I mean always, it’s either an extreme left or extreme right viewpoint. The exact same terminology.
I could mention a few names but you folks know who you are.
As for me, I am such a MSM consumer that u can rename me MSMophile.
Not all of them every day (and some days, none of them): . . and depending on the story, Google/CNN.
I think you can understand a story pretty thoroughly these bias because of twitter, partisan outlets, etc.
You have to work a bit harder to get a full picture.
I'm a big fan of hackernews. It's not a news source - it's an aggregator, mostly tech news, with thoughtful discussion in the comments.