Really hoping for better news soon.
She describes her symptoms so objectively, very cool and collected.
Blood clots. I have not heard of this as being related to Covid. Is this a side effect of some medication, or is there a reason the virus would cause blood clots? If Covid is a unique variant of a flu virus, I don't remember ever hearing about blood clots occurring during a flu experience.
I hope to hear some good news soon. I know we all do.
She describes her symptoms so objectively, very cool and collected.
Blood clots. I have not heard of this as being related to Covid. Is this a side effect of some medication, or is there a reason the virus would cause blood clots? If Covid is a unique variant of a flu virus, I don't remember ever hearing about blood clots occurring during a flu experience.
I hope to hear some good news soon. I know we all do.
She describes her symptoms so objectively, very cool and collected.
Blood clots. I have not heard of this as being related to Covid. Is this a side effect of some medication, or is there a reason the virus would cause blood clots? If Covid is a unique variant of a flu virus, I don't remember ever hearing about blood clots occurring during a flu experience.
I hope to hear some good news soon. I know we all do.
Go back and read some threads containing George's thoughts on the disease.
Vascular problems are a major component.
George, it's very scary to have a kiddo going through this. Yes, her case sounds like one that will take weeks to get through. It's awful and very debilitating. I sincerely hope she doesn't get further complications, and having the baseline is a good thing.
Thank you for sharing this online. It helps people to get a better understanding of how different this virus is from the flu., and how scary it can be even for a younger person.
Best wishes to her and to you.
George, I didn't mean to sound negative. She's doing things right and taking care of herself, and she's staying in contact with her doctors and you. Even though it's going to take longer than she might have thought, she'll get through this. She's young enough to have the resilience of youth. It's amazing how much faster a person recovers at her age compared to ours.
@George-K Hugs to you and your family and daughter