How Will Your Life Change if..........
We're still paying for Iraq,.
Some people paid quite a bit more, obviously.
@Kincaid , my guy at Fidelity says that, in the long run, the markets don't care about who's in the office. What they care about is 1) stability, 2) predictability.
If they can know what's going to happen, they can deal with it. If they can't predict, they hope it stays the same.
Don't know if that's totally true or not, but it makes sense.
@George-K said in How Will Your Life Change if..........:
@Kincaid , my guy at Fidelity says that, in the long run, the markets don't care about who's in the office. What they care about is 1) stability, 2) predictability.
If they can know what's going to happen, they can deal with it. If they can't predict, they hope it stays the same.
Don't know if that's totally true or not, but it makes sense.
Agree 100%. At the other forum board, I mentioned that I had one time had a conversation with the head of PTT organization in Thailand. This is a global Fortune 100 company. We were talking about oil prices and politics and how they affect business. And he basically said as George says - stability is more important than the actual who is in power.
If they have a sense of that the next future years will be the same as the current, that is most important.
Tell therefore guys in the oil business about fracking.
@Jolly said in How Will Your Life Change if..........:
Tell therefore guys in the oil business about fracking.
This is a gentleman who runs a $100billion yearly company. There is not fracking in Thailand (that I know) but I am sure they look at the impact on world oil prices.
If oil prices remain low and they know they will remain low, that is more important than the price jumping from $25 to $100 and back and forth.
The thing is Biden has shot his mouth off about a whole lot of stuff that will never, ever get through Congress. He also has the benefit of not having to actually deliver since no one really expects him to complete his term.
He's still running on 'I'm not HIM!'.
The thing is Biden has shot his mouth off about a whole lot of stuff that will never, ever get through Congress. He also has the benefit of not having to actually deliver since no one really expects him to complete his term.
He's still running on 'I'm not HIM!'.
@Mik I agree with you, but how is this different from any politician?
I think the politician training manual has a chapter:
“Overpromise during campaign”
“Under deliver during office” -
The thing is Biden has shot his mouth off about a whole lot of stuff that will never, ever get through Congress. He also has the benefit of not having to actually deliver since no one really expects him to complete his term.
He's still running on 'I'm not HIM!'.
That many people are idiot lemmings?
Trump has done a lot of what he said he would do. Don't like his policies? Don't vote for him.
But knowing that he will try to enact his policies, is preferable to a candidate who says elect me and I'll let you know what I'm going to do.
@Mik I agree with you, but how is this different from any politician?
I think the politician training manual has a chapter:
“Overpromise during campaign”
“Under deliver during office”@taiwan_girl said in How Will Your Life Change if..........:
@Mik I agree with you, but how is this different from any politician?
I think the politician training manual has a chapter:
“Overpromise during campaign”
“Under deliver during office”It's completely different and I reject that premise. Trump promised certain things during his campaign and has managed to accomplish an awful lot of them. Now you may or may not like what he has done, but it is what he said it would be. Bush did the same thing even though he was derailed by 9/11. In many ways so did Obama, although he did not manage to stop the rise of the seas
@taiwan_girl said in How Will Your Life Change if..........:
@Mik I agree with you, but how is this different from any politician?
I think the politician training manual has a chapter:
“Overpromise during campaign”
“Under deliver during office”It's completely different and I reject that premise. Trump promised certain things during his campaign and has managed to accomplish an awful lot of them. Now you may or may not like what he has done, but it is what he said it would be. Bush did the same thing even though he was derailed by 9/11. In many ways so did Obama, although he did not manage to stop the rise of the seas
jon-nyc 9 minutes ago what I mean? No news.
This thread is depressing. The same stubborn, thick headed Trump bashing, grabbing at every tiny straw you can think of to justify your view, the same appeal to authority arguments, all basically consisting of "it doesn't matter who wins" and "Trump said something mean that hurt my feelings" bull shit.
So let's dispense with the "it doesn't matter" bull shit - if it doesn't matter, then why in the fuck are you so adamant that Trump needs to go! "I've got a friend in the oil business and he said " yada yada.. he's correct - on the world market, stability in the market matters more than who the president of the US is. So fucking what? What does that have to do with a damned thing? I don't give a rat's ass what some businessman in Taiwan thinks. I care about whether the people in this country can put food on their tables. "Yeah, but if oil pricescshoot up you'll care"... then all the more reason to put Trump back in office, all the more reason to keep Biden and the democrats OUT of offic, and yet more proof that it DOES matter who is in office.
I have listened for 4 fucking years as you Trump bashers bitched, pissed and moaned about the stupidest shit... "he said something mean" so he needs to go!" "I don't like his personality".. "He colluded with Russia! Yes he did!" every time someone mentioned the lack of evidence, every time we mentioned any news that disproved that narrative you Trump bashers would ridicule it, and go right back to your "moral superiority" bull shit.
Now the truth is right in front of you. It has been proven beyond all doubt: Hillary Clinton made the Russian collusion hoax up out of thin air, both Biden and Obama knew about it at the beginning, Obama had politicized the FBI, CIA, and DOJ to the point that THEY all knew it was a hoax before the investigations even began. Every FUCKING bit of it was a full blown attempt to take down an elected president, full blown sedition.
But do any of you Trump bashers acknowledge that? No. You just piss and moan about your "feelings" about Trump.
It is now a proven FACT that Joe Biden was fully engaged with his family in using his office to sell the US out to China in order to line their own pockets.
But do any of you Trump bashers acknowledge that? NOOO! No, you skip right over it and go back to telling us it doesn't matter, orange nan bad, etc full blown sedition proven. Yet not a peep out of you about it.
I hope Biden wins. Since we're discussing our own selfish interests, I hope Biden wins. I will enjoy watching that fortune 100 company collapse from the instability that comes from the collapse of the US economy. I already got mine, so if push comes to shove I'm just a plane ride away from a fully paid for home in another country, able to live out the remainder of my life without changing one damn thing to my life style. I will watch as everything some of you are asking for happens, and as I peacefuly enjoy my dinner, I'll wonder if some of you are happy... or alive.....
Sorry for such a rant, but the bull shit is getting to me.