Puzzle time - don't waste braindead liberals
Can't we just throw a hand grenade into the room and be done with it?
Here's an important intermediate steps to consider:
Show that you don't need "continuum" many BDLs (e.g., to form a circle around Larry) but can get by with countably many BDLs (still potentially infinitely many, but at least you can count them).
The puzzle can be solved with a finite number of BDLs, but the above intermediate step isn't trivial.
For those who need an additional big hint. Don't look if you want the full fun
Here's an example of how to place BDLs - in this case 16 - that will prevent any attack, regardless of how many bounces. One possible attack with two bounces is indicated in the drawing. The coordinates of the BDLs as well as Ax and Larry can also be seen. Try it out. It's a safe position for Larry.||
Have to think more, but it seems like it would be a large number. Just thinking out loud, if Ax shoots almost horizontal, but a small angle less than that, the back and forth an infinite number of times.
Anyway, have to think more. (But still probably won't be able to discover the answer 55555)
@George-K said in Puzzle time - don't waste braindead liberals:
@Klaus , you and @jon-nyc need to get a room.
Preferably one with big fuckoff lasers in it.
Are the brain dead liberals the same size as Larry? They’re likely vegan, and tiny little things...
This puzzle can be solved using high school math and geometry knowledge. Actually, basically no math/geometry is involved apart from knowing how a mirror reflects a laser (incoming angle = outgoing angle).
I can add a few more hints if it is too hard (well, it is hard).