Cat 4
Well, it ain't like you can duck...
European or American model?
If European, the poor bastards in Lake Charles are gonna get some wind and rain, albeit in the West side. If American, she will go between Lafayette and Baton Rouge.
European is worse for us, but either way, an 80mph gust up here wouldn't surprise me. I got an extra 20 gallons of gas this evening and I'll freeze some block ice tomorrow.
BTW, did you know there is a shingle shortage?
Really? Weird. I’ve seen two Facebook ads for them in the last couple days. And I’d never seen one before.
Ok, Delta looks like a fast moving Cat 3, probably a Cat 2 when it comes on shore. Should come in East of Lake Charles and track West of Lafayette.
Will be a Cat 1 when it gets to my house. If the track holds up, I get the eye. Whoopee.
Still I feel really sorry for the guys down in Cameron and over in Lake Charles.
Speaking of Lake Charles...