I heard about this yesterday. In a nut shell Hillary personally set in motion a plan to collude with Russia for the purpose of making it appear that Trump was the one colluding with Russia. Obama was not only aware of the plan, he was a tively involved in it. So were Brennan, Biden, and several others.
The knew Trump was innocent, they knew what they were doing was criminal, they knew before a single dime had been spent trying to impeach Trump. They planned it, engaged in it, and it makes Watergate look like peanuts by comparison. Every one of them, including Hillary, Biden, and Obama, are guilty of sedition. I do believe the punishment for sedition is public hanging.
Hey Sock!!! Oh SOCK!!!! You said Trump would be found guilty by June of last year!! What happened, guy?
Hang every damned one of them. And take all their assets and use them to repay the tax money spent on this.°fa-info°(information text)
The rule of law only applies to the little people.
Isn't the assertion from Russian intelligence that Hillary was trying to vilify Trump? I thought I saw this story a few days ago? (Brennan was describing the Russian intelligence in his note)
The letter says that in July 2016, American intelligence agencies received “insight” into Russian analysis alleging that Clinton, a presidential candidate at the time, had approved plans to create a scandal against Trump.
It also explains that according to the former CIA director John Brennan’s handwritten notes, he briefed then-President Barack Obama on that allegation at the time.
However, the letter adds that the U.S. intelligence community “does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.
”Therefore, the letter in no way proves it was “Hillary’s plan” to look into ties between Trump associates and Russian officials. -
At the end of the day, Mr. Trump and later President Trump was dragged from pillar to post over nothing. A nothing that Obama and his Justice Department knew did not exist. A nothing a willing and lying media allowed to happen.
These are not the actions of a great republic, but of a banana republic.
Rue the day and remember it well. Tell your children you saw the beginning of the end of the United States and its marvelous experiment in freedom.
@George-K said in Declassified:
20 minutes ago.
That makes sense. Ratcliffe specifically said he unclassified the Brennan note at the direction of the President.
@xenon said in Declassified:
Ratcliffe specifically said he unclassified the Brennan note at the direction of the President.
POTUS has the authority to declassify anything.
This will get interesting, especially if, as he says, there will be no redactions.
@xenon said in Declassified:
Ratcliffe specifically said he unclassified the Brennan note at the direction of the President.
POTUS has the authority to declassify anything.
This will get interesting, especially if, as he says, there will be no redactions.
@George-K said in Declassified:
@xenon said in Declassified:
Ratcliffe specifically said he unclassified the Brennan note at the direction of the President.
POTUS has the authority to declassify anything.
This will get interesting, especially if, as he says, there will be no redactions.
He 100% has the authority to do that. The federalist article seems like a non-story though.
“Russian intelligence said something and US Intelligence does not know the accuracy of it”
I don’t expect POTUS to put forward a convincing argument for... anything really.