Graham sez the Murder Turtle has the votes.
The erosion of comity and political norms began with the Bork hearings. It continued with Reid's abolition of the filibuster for everything other than SCOTUS nominations. The filibustering of Estrada because he was Hispanic was an outrage.
Once the norm of filibuster was removed by Harry Reid, presumably expecting to retain a majority in the Senate was a bone-headed and amateurish move. I would have expected him to have known better.
As a blogger comments, today's Democrats' argument is simply, "Mom, he hit me back!"
The erosion of comity and political norms began with the Bork hearings. It continued with Reid's abolition of the filibuster for everything other than SCOTUS nominations. The filibustering of Estrada because he was Hispanic was an outrage.
Once the norm of filibuster was removed by Harry Reid, presumably expecting to retain a majority in the Senate was a bone-headed and amateurish move. I would have expected him to have known better.
As a blogger comments, today's Democrats' argument is simply, "Mom, he hit me back!"
Interesting to look back at the recent supreme court judges and the votes at which they were confirmed. Since people are starting with Judge Bork, I will start with him also. There were actually a lot of confirmations near unanimous since him, so dont think it has been as bad for that long a time. The last couple for sure maybe
Robert Bork July 1, 1987 rejected (42–58)
Anthony Kennedy Nov. 30, 1987 confirmed (97–0)
David Souter July 25, 1990 confirmed (90–9)
Clarence Thomas July 8, 1991 confirmed (52–48)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg June 14, 1993 confirmed (96–3)
Stephen Breyer May 17, 1994 confirmed (87–9)
John Roberts Sep. 6, 2005 confirmed (78–22)
Harriet Miers Oct. 7, 2005 withdrawn
Samuel Alito Nov. 10, 2005 confirmed (58–42)
Sonia Sotomayor June 1, 2009 confirmed (68–31)
Elena Kagan May 10, 2010 confirmed (63–37)
Merrick Garland Mar. 16, 2016 lapsed
Neil Gorsuch Feb. 1, 2017 confirmed (54–45)
Brett Kavanaugh July 10, 2018 confirmed (50–48) -
Interesting to look back at the recent supreme court judges and the votes at which they were confirmed. Since people are starting with Judge Bork, I will start with him also. There were actually a lot of confirmations near unanimous since him, so dont think it has been as bad for that long a time. The last couple for sure maybe
Robert Bork July 1, 1987 rejected (42–58)
Anthony Kennedy Nov. 30, 1987 confirmed (97–0)
David Souter July 25, 1990 confirmed (90–9)
Clarence Thomas July 8, 1991 confirmed (52–48)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg June 14, 1993 confirmed (96–3)
Stephen Breyer May 17, 1994 confirmed (87–9)
John Roberts Sep. 6, 2005 confirmed (78–22)
Harriet Miers Oct. 7, 2005 withdrawn
Samuel Alito Nov. 10, 2005 confirmed (58–42)
Sonia Sotomayor June 1, 2009 confirmed (68–31)
Elena Kagan May 10, 2010 confirmed (63–37)
Merrick Garland Mar. 16, 2016 lapsed
Neil Gorsuch Feb. 1, 2017 confirmed (54–45)
Brett Kavanaugh July 10, 2018 confirmed (50–48)@taiwan_girl said in Graham sez the Murder Turtle has the votes.:
Interesting to look back at the recent supreme court judges and the votes at which they were confirmed. Since people are starting with Judge Bork, I will start with him also. There were actually a lot of confirmations near unanimous since him, so dont think it has been as bad for that long a time. The last couple for sure maybe
Robert Bork July 1, 1987 rejected (42–58)
Anthony Kennedy Nov. 30, 1987 confirmed (97–0)
David Souter July 25, 1990 confirmed (90–9)
Clarence Thomas July 8, 1991 confirmed (52–48)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg June 14, 1993 confirmed (96–3)
Stephen Breyer May 17, 1994 confirmed (87–9)
John Roberts Sep. 6, 2005 confirmed (78–22)
Harriet Miers Oct. 7, 2005 withdrawn
Samuel Alito Nov. 10, 2005 confirmed (58–42)
Sonia Sotomayor June 1, 2009 confirmed (68–31)
Elena Kagan May 10, 2010 confirmed (63–37)
Merrick Garland Mar. 16, 2016 lapsed
Neil Gorsuch Feb. 1, 2017 confirmed (54–45)
Brett Kavanaugh July 10, 2018 confirmed (50–48)Break it down by what party nominated the person.
@taiwan_girl said in Graham sez the Murder Turtle has the votes.:
Interesting to look back at the recent supreme court judges and the votes at which they were confirmed. Since people are starting with Judge Bork, I will start with him also. There were actually a lot of confirmations near unanimous since him, so dont think it has been as bad for that long a time. The last couple for sure maybe
Robert Bork July 1, 1987 rejected (42–58)
Anthony Kennedy Nov. 30, 1987 confirmed (97–0)
David Souter July 25, 1990 confirmed (90–9)
Clarence Thomas July 8, 1991 confirmed (52–48)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg June 14, 1993 confirmed (96–3)
Stephen Breyer May 17, 1994 confirmed (87–9)
John Roberts Sep. 6, 2005 confirmed (78–22)
Harriet Miers Oct. 7, 2005 withdrawn
Samuel Alito Nov. 10, 2005 confirmed (58–42)
Sonia Sotomayor June 1, 2009 confirmed (68–31)
Elena Kagan May 10, 2010 confirmed (63–37)
Merrick Garland Mar. 16, 2016 lapsed
Neil Gorsuch Feb. 1, 2017 confirmed (54–45)
Brett Kavanaugh July 10, 2018 confirmed (50–48)Break it down by what party nominated the person.
I was typing the same thing, LOL..."It would be interesting to see, in the last 20 years or so, how many senators "crossed the aisle" to vote for a nominee put up by a president not of their party."
@taiwan_girl said in Graham sez the Murder Turtle has the votes.:
I guess it means that Democratic presidents are more willing to build a consensus and be "bi-partisan" in their picks!!!
Look at how many Democrats voted in favor of Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Alito, Roberts, and Thomas. A good number voted in favor of Scalia and Roberts.
Now, compare that with the number of Republicans who voted in favor of justices nominated by Democrat presidents. Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer, Ginsburg.
@taiwan_girl said in Graham sez the Murder Turtle has the votes.:
I guess it means that Democratic presidents are more willing to build a consensus and be "bi-partisan" in their picks!!!
Look at how many Democrats voted in favor of Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Alito, Roberts, and Thomas. A good number voted in favor of Scalia and Roberts.
Now, compare that with the number of Republicans who voted in favor of justices nominated by Democrat presidents. Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer, Ginsburg.
@George-K See that proves my point!!!
(Actually, I am just kidding. It is a perfect example of how statistics can be made to fit two stories! LOL)
Democrat senators are not willing to be "bi-partisan" with the other party
Democrat presidents are more willing to pick a "bi-partisan" candidate
@George-K See that proves my point!!!
(Actually, I am just kidding. It is a perfect example of how statistics can be made to fit two stories! LOL)
Democrat senators are not willing to be "bi-partisan" with the other party
Democrat presidents are more willing to pick a "bi-partisan" candidate
@taiwan_girl said in Graham sez the Murder Turtle has the votes.:
Democrat presidents are more willing to pick a "bi-partisan" candidate
Alternative explanation: Republicans are more willing to respect and confirm a nominee from a Democrat President.
@taiwan_girl said in Graham sez the Murder Turtle has the votes.:
Democrat presidents are more willing to pick a "bi-partisan" candidate
Alternative explanation: Republicans are more willing to respect and confirm a nominee from a Democrat President.
@George-K said in Graham sez the Murder Turtle has the votes.:
@taiwan_girl said in Graham sez the Murder Turtle has the votes.:
Democrat presidents are more willing to pick a "bi-partisan" candidate
Alternative explanation: Republicans are more willing to respect and confirm a nominee from a Democrat President.
Press Release from the Republics:
Data PROVES that Republicans are more willing to respect and confirm a nominee from a Democrat President!!!Press Release from Democrats:
Data PROVES that Democrat Presdients are more willing to nominate Supreme Court judges that are acceptable to both parties!!! -
Those who do not know history...
What can you tell me about Bob Michel?