Trump EOs being blocked by the courts at a higher rate than his predecessors.
When you actually set out to test established executive power boundaries then this isn’t surprising, it’s literally the plan.
Someone once said that Maga analysis comes in two forms: ‘Trump is DESTROYING his enemies’ and ‘Mr Trump is being treated very unfairly’. Nothing in between.
It seemed like people didn’t really like when Obama expanded the power of the executive or when Biden did things that were obviously over reach (e.g. loan forgiveness).
Does MAGA want an expanded executive? Trump is pretty much saying we’re on war /national emergency footing at all times. (Tariffs, deportation, etc.). So he can do things that would normally be reserved for Congress. Presumably the next dem will get those powers too.
Is this a good thing?
The worrying thing is they know that they are intentionally pushing executive power boundaries and that injunctions and appeals are part of that process. It makes you think they’re just harping about how unreasonable the idea of judicial review is so that the maga base will support defying the courts when they decide to do it. Which of course the base will, because, magats.
Magats gonna magat.
I’m not saying this to be dramatic - but I get the sense that a lot of Americans genuinely love America, but kinda don’t know what the constitution is.
Or they might see it as something akin to the national anthem, or historical relic that marked the beginning of our country.
We’ll be fine if he doesn’t openly defy judicial rulings. If he does I’m not sure how we get the toothpaste back in the tube.