France puts it all in perspective
I'd thought you enjoy the joke! I'm sure the Cincinnati River is quite delightful!
But you gotta admit a contributor to the forum adding what its like to live in Italy is WAY more interesting.
More interesting then the usual old Trump sucks or Trump is great.
I'd thought you enjoy the joke! I'm sure the Cincinnati River is quite delightful!
But you gotta admit a contributor to the forum adding what its like to live in Italy is WAY more interesting.
More interesting then the usual old Trump sucks or Trump is great.
Great post on where America and Europe are today. To be fair France, Italy and a myriad of other European countries have have their share of psychopathic leaders. Our turn in America. That being said--if you are retiring to Italy (which I got from your intro) that is WAY MORE INTERESTING than some old political discussion! We all know what Jolly thinks ("them damn Ecuadorians need some culling on out") and Jon ("your understanding of the problem is sadly Frequentist not Baylean") and Mik ("the Cleveland River is smelling better--really, REALLY").
We don't know what it's like to move to Italy!
Tell us all about it. And I am personally in love with Stephanie Smith of Lionard Luxury Real Estate.
@Tom-K Too funny!
But yes, @nobody please continue to post so I can live vicariously through you.
I will give you some vicarity, (is that a word? It is now!) look at my piano search thread for some tasty rib eye steak i have just today been given to chew on
My post on FB was my decision to stop political postings as my point of view has been made clear. But here now? Woe be to thee who challenge my words of truth and decency and honor. I would continue such discourse as necessary until all minds here have Woke! The only change will be combining the two languages I will soon have command of in my posts. I always loved watching Hispanic ladies here in the Valle de San Joaquin make conversation doing just that. It is comical.