@jon-nyc said in Trumpenomics:
S&P now wiped out all post election gains. 3.4T in value
Maybe Trump will sue Wall Street for being disloyal.
@jon-nyc said in Trumpenomics:
S&P now wiped out all post election gains. 3.4T in value
Maybe Trump will sue Wall Street for being disloyal.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Trumpenomics:
@jon-nyc said in Trumpenomics:
S&P now wiped out all post election gains. 3.4T in value
Maybe Trump will sue Wall Street for being disloyal.
don't think he hasn't already asked that question out loud to the brains surrounding him. The CBS multi billion dollar suit over edited Kamela Harris interview has to take the cake though. Aren't there repercussions for bringing frivolous lawsuits? Oh I forgot, he's immune. Carry on Donald, whip out your crank and pee in public, you want attention? There's so many more creative way and 4 years to do them. Awww, life must be feeling really good for the King. This close to life prison and the people saved him from the jaws of Bubba. Don't think for one minute should he survive these 4 long years, that he won't have rearranged the order of things and commits to his promise to his people, don't worry , after this election, you won't have to vote anymore. He knows it's straight to prison should he ever leave the oval office. Non of that immunity shit washes in these cases, it's allready been determined.
The true test of our Constitution will be when a judge remands one of them into custody for breaking an order and the judge will be forced to call the US Marshals Service for custody handling. That will be the tipping point.
@jon-nyc Yup. It was obvious that someone (like China) would step into the "void" created by the US pulling out of the global community.
@jon-nyc said in Trumpenomics:
What does Reagan think?
It is interesting that a lot of current politicians hold President Reagan on a pedestal, but then go against everything that he stood for. LOL
I don't see any good end to the tariffs other than better trade agreements, after which the tariffs go away. Trump presents them as a good thing in and of themselves, but at best they seem to be a stick to inflict pain on ourselves and others, with others being hit harder. The jobs that come into America will be anti-competitive, and will raise prices. A car built by Americans getting paid American wages will not be profitable at the current prices, even without tariffs. Same goes for any product built using cheap labor.
I guess there's an argument to be made about how inhumane all that cheap labor was. I don't suppose that argument is being made now, though there used to be murmurs of it from the left.
Most of them I think are from government layoffs
U.S.-based employers cut more jobs this February than in any February in 16 years, according to a new report from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas.
This year, employers announced 172,017 job cuts — the most the shortest month has seen since 2009,
The Labor Department will release the official February jobs report Friday morning.
I don't see any good end to the tariffs other than better trade agreements, after which the tariffs go away. Trump presents them as a good thing in and of themselves, but at best they seem to be a stick to inflict pain on ourselves and others, with others being hit harder. The jobs that come into America will be anti-competitive, and will raise prices. A car built by Americans getting paid American wages will not be profitable at the current prices, even without tariffs. Same goes for any product built using cheap labor.
I guess there's an argument to be made about how inhumane all that cheap labor was. I don't suppose that argument is being made now, though there used to be murmurs of it from the left.
@Horace said in Trumpenomics:
I don't see any good end to the tariffs other than better trade agreements, after which the tariffs go away. Trump presents them as a good thing in and of themselves, but at best they seem to be a stick to inflict pain on ourselves and others, with others being hit harder. The jobs that come into America will be anti-competitive, and will raise prices. A car built by Americans getting paid American wages will not be profitable at the current prices, even without tariffs. Same goes for any product built using cheap labor.
I guess there's an argument to be made about how inhumane all that cheap labor was. I don't suppose that argument is being made now, though there used to be murmurs of it from the left.
If you play out the long game. Countries with no trade barriers will eventually overtake you in terms of making things in a cheaper way. Then you’ll have to put more tariffs on to protect yourself from their output.
We did tariffs for hundreds of years before we didn’t.
I’m on board with tariffs against countries that are doing predatory investments to shake out the market (eg China). But even then… there’s massive benefits to the consumers of other countries that get subsidized goods.
A Chevy truck has a 10% tariff in Germany, while a German Mercedes has around a 2% tariff in the U.S. Or so I've heard.
It needs to be corrected, but Mercedes probably isn't going to dump cars in the U.S. Chinese EV makers, OTOH...
@jon-nyc said in Trumpenomics:
Heritage Foundation (Project 2025 authors) are now retconning previous papers about tariffs.
But there are still some articles up. So maybe only that one guy.
Tariffs are taxes on Americans, and quotas cut businesses off from valuable goods that provide Americans with more choice.
Imports are integral to the competitiveness of domestic producers—and increasing their prices or limiting imports hurts Americans.
Both tariffs and quotas decrease freedom, disrupt supply chains, and artificially change prices.