I think BLM's rhetorical power can be traced back to this statistic. All that cognitive dissonance created by an inability to talk out loud about that statistic, which necessarily made people not talk about the deaths themselves. I mean, even progressive leftists just couldn't talk about the deaths themselves. So it gradually dawns on everybody that maybe nobody actually cares about all those deaths. But still, they can't talk about it. Not about the concern that nobody cares, not about the deaths themselves. Do black lives actually matter, to anybody? Into that guilt and confusion comes this simple rhetorical phrase that black lives matter, and it sinks its teeth into the whole culture, releasing all that energy from all that cognitive dissonance that still nobody can talk about, but at least now there's an outlet for people to say without fear of talking about black people murdering black people, that black lives matter. Because white cops, and white people in general.
Not sure what the answer is to solve that problem. It is not just "make jail sentences tougher" or "make jail sentences easier" or somewhere in between.
Has to be some sort of big society/cultural change but I have no idea how to bring that about.
Notice the rate increased significantly during the first Trump administration, then dropped markedly during the Biden administration. Clearly the solution was to not have another Trump administration. Boy did America missed that boat.
Seriously, whose job is it to stop black guys from killing each other? Is this the new "white mans burden?"