Authentic liberalism
I found this guy during and after COVID, and he struck me as a legitimate thinker on the COVID origins topic, who happened to go against the scientific consensus by concluding that it's all but certainly a lab-constructed virus, leaked from Wuhan. (The scientific consensus remains that it was natural origin, notwithstanding the intelligence services that have concluded otherwise.) His lab leak conclusions earned him a bunch of conservative-leaning followers.
These days he's posting more about politics, and how abhorrent he finds Trump and Maga. I find most people who align with that to be vaguely gross, tribally captured virtue signalers, but here is an essay he just released in response to a bunch of his followers pushing back against his recent political writing. I thought it was pretty good.
I like him. Eschewing labels for ideas and ideals.
I will confess some disappointment with Trump's demeanor since taking office. It seemed to me he had learned something about being presidential to the public. I get the impression that has proven incorrect.
As far as his many actions, some I approve of and some I am willing to wait for the outcome.
I strongly disapprove of the blanket pardon for the J6 folks. It smacks of laziness to me. It would not have taken that long to review them case by case and sentence by sentence, taking into account pretrial detention. There are clearly some if not many who were mistreated, but not all.
Deportations? I hope they are focusing on criminals. people we either know were dumped on us to empty prisons or have committed crimes here. This I strongly support, even knowing there will be some cases that will eventually seem unfair. The pendulum swings.
Tariffs? We will see. He surely does not have a deft touch with these things.
Revenge firings? On its face bad, but again we will see if any legitimate criteria were behind it.
DOGE? Great idea. Some form of this has been needed for decades. It will not be done without some pain, which no doubt the opposition will milk for all it is worth.
But I like this writer, and I admire his courage.