Sometimes, at 3AM...
I'll YT down some rabbit holes. One I bop through occasionally is The Charismatic Voice, which is Elizabeth Zharoff (not her real last name, Zharoff is a stage name) doing reaction and analysis videos.
Her perspective is sometimes interesting, her personality can be bubbly. She was homeschooled on a small farm, later attended some good musical schools and subsequently worked as a professional opera singer. So most of her reaction and analysis stuff are songs she's not heard or isn't overly familiar with...Her discovery of metal changed her musical tastes a bit.
She readily admits that except for the top one or two percent of opera singers, nobody is making big money. Tired of chasing that dream and the inability to sustain friends and relationships, she quit that life to settle down with a mountain of a man that looks like a viking and have children...She's currently pregnant with her second child.
BTW, she actually can sing a bit...
Anyway, a bit of what she does and why she has over 1M subscribers...
Link to video -
She does have a nice voice. I am not a big fan of opera, but I think that opera singers are probably the most talented of all types of singers.
(BTW - I had heard the song before that she analyzed, but had never heard the original (I dont think))
I've passed by her channel sometimes. I think GK has posted about her too. I have trouble stomaching the bubbliness, it's too over the top. And the repetitions drive me nuts. But I know that's probably why she's popular. Her bubbliness is genuine. Anyway, that's a great song.