Matt’s right
Insurance was damaged before ACA. It’s a complete clusterfuck, now.
I spend 30 minutes a week explaining that Loudoun Medical Group is only the billing department for ********* Family Medical. And as ********* Family Medical is our PCP and in network, our only cost for the visit in September is our copay, and not the $800 they are trying to charge for out-of-network. Once I get it settled, I get the same call the following week.
My insurance was okay in 2007. Not great, but a helluva lot better and cheaper than it is today. You will have a damn hard time to convince many of us that things are better now.
@Horace True it doesn’t prove causality, but those other countries were much more flat than the US prior to the Great Recession. Our price inflation started matching theirs (as % of gdp) only after 2009-10