Trump did 'em a favor.
Yes, if they’ll take it. The trifecta loss is more likely to lead to soul-searching than something narrower. Also the fact that she did better with whites and worse with minorities than Biden and Obama should make some people realize they’ve lost their way with cultural issues.
Of course it will take time to get there and many never will.
I dunno... the DNC seems like a pretty dysfunctional organization... still stuck in the world of old-school backroom deals.
And this also assumes they're able to draw the right conclusions.
But there is definitely demand for a different sort of politics and different sort of party.
Middle aged humans with crystalized self-righteous cultural perspectives are the most obstinate, and effectively the least empathic sorts of humans. Whatever any of those people used to think about the conservatives when they were children, they are exactly that now. Moral panics in the face of change in the wrong direction, are all they know. Good luck shaping such creatures into anything resembling sanity.
Being SO convinced you are right makes that much more difficult. Both parties need to be open to some introspection.
@Mik said in Trump did 'em a favor.:
Being SO convinced you are right makes that much more difficult. Both parties need to be open to some introspection.
Very smart (and correct) comment.
Ezra Klein had a monologue today on his NYT podcast, followed by a discussion with a NYT editor. Klein is a big hearted, neurotic, feminine-adjacent sort of person who is devastated at the election, but he is capable of some reflection and actual thinking, which I appreciate. For me, the money quote came at the end of the second part, where he was talking at his devastated colleague, who couldn't actually do much talking at all, because of how devastated she was. Ezra mentioned that maybe, in the wake of losing its historically solid constituency amongs the working classes of all races, it would behoove the democrats to try to understand why people like Trump. His editor couldn't really take that in. She wanted a nap.
But I get it. She already knows the reason people like Trump. She's known it for 10 years, and the knowledge has crystalized in her brain. It is not the product of reason or observation anymore, it is just an axiom, hard wired into her. People like Trump because they are stupid and evil.
So good luck, Ezra, trying to "converse" with those sorts of people. They are legion.