Vance's world view
I was talking to my far-left brother, who asked me if the people who Vance admired did not scare me. So, I decided to look them up. Here's a piece on some of them, including Gerard, who from, this does not scare me at all. Interesting thinkers. Yarin is a little blinky. I am more encouraged by the fact that Vance thinks deeply and listens.
I'll look more deeply into this as time goes on.
I’ve mentioned here before that Horace would like Yarvin if he had the patience to read him (he’s pretty long-winded).
Peter Theil is a Gerard disciple. That’s probably where Vance got exposed to him.
If anyone wants a Girard primer deeper than a wiki article, there’s an EconTalk episode about his thinking.
Yarvin is a very smart heterodox intellectual you may remember from hits such as "democracy is doomed to failure" and "the best possible government is a benevolent monarchy". If any tribal rando is looking for reasons to be scared of him, they'll find them. Or more generally, anybody who depends on overton windows to filter out ideas they'd find disgusting, will find no value in anything he thinks.