Unlisted. 750,000 views in 60 minutes
It's not a hard-hitting interview, it's a conversation. But it's an illuminating conversation.
TBH, I started listening to it, dozed off and woke back up as it was playing, so I'm guessing I got half. But even in just the half, there were lots of nuggets...
- Bobbie Kennedy is going to have a job in the Trump Administration and it's going to be health connected, maybe both pharma and food. But Trump said he's not letting him near the environmental stuff.
- Trump is really anti-wind power. Too expensive, too hard to clean up and does not produce enough energy for all the effort.
- Nuclear? Absolutely, but right now the cost to build is prohibitive. He and Rogan knocked around the French model of smaller reactors and expanding the powerplants with additional small reactors as power demand increases.
- Oil? Get ready to drill ANWAR. And maybe get ready to sell a lot of that oil to Asia.
- Water. Trump said he had a deal for Canadian water and it fell through. He still wants to go back there and do that deal...Interestingly enough, he was more focused on water for Ag than for the big cities (or at least I think he was).
- Western fires. Trump talked about a conversation he'd had with the Austrian leader and how they managed forests vs. the Western U.S. Rule changes coming to try to clear or ameliorate deadwood and forest floor accelerants.
- Mistakes. Rogan and Trump talked a good deal about his first days in office last time and the mistakes he made. Trump said the President is directly responsible for hiring at least 100 people, who then go out and do the hiring for the rest of the administration. As somebody new to the inner working of Washington, Trump admitted he made some bad hires, because many of his hires were based on other people's advice. And get ready, because the top administrative levels of the DOJ and FBI will be G-O-N-E.
There's more and that's just the stuff I heard...
Did he talk about buying Mexico?
Water. Trump said he had a deal for Canadian water and it fell through. He still wants to go back there and do that deal...Interestingly enough, he was more focused on water for Ag than for the big cities (or at least I think he was).
Bullshit. There was never any deal to fall through.
Trump needs a reality check:
Did he talk about buying Mexico?
@LuFins-Dad said in Unlisted. 750,000 views in 60 minutes:
Did he talk about buying Mexico?
No, but he floated ditching the income tax for tariffs...Talked a good bit about McKinley and the U.S. in the late1800's.
Should be at about the 40 minute mark or therabouts.
Boring interview. It’s not a good format for Trump. He can be entertaining in rallies - but he didn’t say anything interesting or funny. Not much depth here.
@xenon said in Unlisted. 750,000 views in 60 minutes:
Boring interview. It’s not a good format for Trump. He can be entertaining in rallies - but he didn’t say anything interesting or funny. Not much depth here.
No, there's not a lot of funny. And in typical Trump fashion, there's a lot of self back-patting. Sometimes, Muhammad Ali level. But if you don't think there weren't interesting policy points being discussed, you're a moron or seriously suffering from TDS.
This is what I mean by no depth. Joe says - lay out the case for stolen election and he lets out a word salad of Kamalian proportions. He’s had 4 years to get his talk track and evidence together on this. He said he’d come back with a stack of papers.
As someone says in the comments, it’s
like the kid that he says he has a signed Babe Ruth card… he’ll bring it to school next week… you won’t believe it. -
I did listen to the entire interview. Joe is on my regular podcast rotation, I listen to a lot of his interviews.
Trump talks in generalities, Joe is a well-read or well-conversed dude. It’s a conversation between Trump and Joe, but Joe was usually the one with substantive or interesting examples on most topics.
I listened to the whole interview - long drive to the race today helped clear out most of it. I thought it was a win for Trump. Rogan is friendly territory - and it was a conversation with no hardball questions - but at the same time, I thought Trump came across more reasoned as he felt like he was on comfortable turf. He employed some Bill Clinton tools - giving specific (likely contrived) statistics - but said in a way that comes across as credible. Anyone who only heard that this man was a maniac and the next Hitler for the world would walk away feeling a bit safer voting for him. Most importantly, he made no noticeable big errors. Overall, I think the timing and performance could help Trump with anyone still vaciliating.
I listened to about the first 45 minutes.
So far, not too much substance, and a lot of self-aggrandizement coming through. However, he seemed approachable, friendly, and not too "Trumpy." I stopped listening when he talked about CBS (my chili needed tending to). More tomorrow.
I loved how Trump was telling stories about basic Lincoln family history in the beginning, but acting like he was dropping some insider American lore. Even Joe had to say after a few mins “everyone knows this stuff, I want to know what you felt in the WH…”
But to your point, George - I think Rogan made a smart move doing a very pro-Trump opener (“the system / media is out to get you”). Trump is his Trumpiest when he’s lashing out at something / someone - but that doesn’t work as well when you’re in friendly territory.
I didn’t find anything interesting or novel in there. Even with 3 hours of content - I didn’t learn anything about Trump or his positions that I didn’t already know.
20 hours/20M
Yang tells Kamala, "Go".
Those "view counts."
I have to wonder how many of them listened to the whole thing. I've only done about 35 minutes, but I'm sure I'm in that statistic of 20 million.
Yang's right, however. If you have 8% of the population listening in, even if for a few minutes, that's a market you MUST tap.
But...then there's the prickly question of reviewed subjects.