What are you reading now?
OK, once I started, I had to finish.
Started the final book yesterday.
The story, and the narration keep getting better. Though the first book was intriguing, the second one really fleshed out the story. I can't wait to see where this one finally takes us.
Only 592 pages, LOL.
Couldn’t rely get into the new Larsen book so I ditched and went to what is for me always a good staple, maritime stories. This just released about cooks third and final voyage, I thoroughly enjoyed a previous book on HMS endeavor which was cooks vessel for his first voyage. So this looks to me just what I need now.
OK, once I started, I had to finish.
Started the final book yesterday.
The story, and the narration keep getting better. Though the first book was intriguing, the second one really fleshed out the story. I can't wait to see where this one finally takes us.
Only 592 pages, LOL.
@George-K said in What are you reading now?:
Finished it.
wipes brow
Actually a bit of a disappointment. So much extraneous stuff that added little to the story, and was shoehorned into a "Chekhov's pistol" type of setting.
This was good, hard sci-fi that devolved into speculative stuff about multiple, alternate universes. Unexplained FTL travel, and no real resolution.
Such great premises that could have been fleshed out a lot better.
It'll probably continue to be a good TV series, until it gets weird (as the third book did).
I have way too many of this sort of book discussing how to improve your jazz, most of which remain unread. This one is actually quite good.
Probably a fairly limited audience for it here at least...
rereading the karla trilogy by le carre
(TTSS, honorable school boy, smileys people)
ive been though them before but i simply cannot get enough of le carre as a spy writer. IMHO, no one comes close to his mastery in the genre. simply superb and a pleasure to read.
the soviet-west cold war, seems to be so very much alive, 60 years down the road, even though 60 years is about 2-3 generations afterwards.
@George-K said in What are you reading now?:
Never read any of his stuff...let's see how it goes.
My dad loves 'em because they take place in DC.
@jon-nyc said in What are you reading now?:
Have not read that book, but strangly, I was just reading a article about that book. I guess that there is some controversy in that the arthur edited his "diary" after the fact. Some of his original diary entries were very favorable to Adolf Hitler, etc.
It’s excellent. Living the reich in ‘real time’ through his diary, but also getting a glimpse of what the life of a foreign correspondent in the 30s and 49s was like. Remember he was one of the original ‘Morrow’s boys”.
I re-read Rise and Fall about every ten years. It’s excellent.
Last year I read his The Collapse of the Third Repubic. I loved it but you kind of have to be into French history not just the war.
@jon-nyc said in What are you reading now?:
Have not read that book, but strangly, I was just reading a article about that book. I guess that there is some controversy in that the arthur edited his "diary" after the fact. Some of his original diary entries were very favorable to Adolf Hitler, etc.
@taiwan_girl said in What are you reading now?:
@jon-nyc said in What are you reading now?:
Have not read that book, but strangly, I was just reading an article about that book. I guess that there is some controversy in that the arthur edited his "diary" after the fact. Some of his original diary entries were very favorable to Adolf Hitler, etc.
I was aware of that. But it doesn’t take away from the experience. He’s mostly reporting on events, it isn’t so much about him.
It’s excellent. Living the reich in ‘real time’ through his diary, but also getting a glimpse of what the life of a foreign correspondent in the 30s and 49s was like. Remember he was one of the original ‘Morrow’s boys”.
I re-read Rise and Fall about every ten years. It’s excellent.
Last year I read his The Collapse of the Third Repubic. I loved it but you kind of have to be into French history not just the war.