I bought Mary Trump’s book
Dude, all you gotta do is put it down.
And change the channel off of CNN.
Your stress level will decrease remarkably.
@jon-nyc said in I bought Mary Trump’s book:
Dude, all you gotta do is put it down.
And change the channel off of CNN.
Your stress level will decrease remarkably.
I’m not stressed. Fascinated actually. She combines a lot of really good family analysis with her distaste to produce her narrative. She is damaged and I feel bad for her, but we are all damaged. She lives in the past. Sam Harris would have a field day. I’m learning a lot about human nature.
@Loki said in I bought Mary Trump’s book:
She is damaged and I feel bad for her, but we are all damaged.
I'm in the process of writing an expose of my wicked uncle Hamish McPhibes as we speak. The stories I could tell, if only I could be bothered.
Let's see..
Mary Trumps father was Fred Trump, Donald Trumps brother. The one who was an alcoholic and drank himself to death. The one that Donald Trump looked up to so much that seeing his brother killing himself with alcohol upset Donald so much that he swore to never drink a drop. Donald and Fred's father, in his will, divided his estate between his children. But Fred died before his father, and instead of waiting until he died to give Fred's children (which included Mary) their fathers share, Trump Sr. Set up a foundation that paid for all of Fred's children's medical bills - which were many due to Mary's sister in law giving birth to a child with serious lifelong medical issues.
A little about Mary.... she was once married to a woman. She voted for Hillary Clinton, and is a rabid Left winger. So.... a girl grows up with an alcoholic father who pissed his life away, a truly dysfunctional family unit because of his addiction, the whole family knowing that when grandpa died they'd be rich, but daddy died before grandpa, and sister in law had a sick child that grandpa wanted to see taken care of so Mary watched as grandpa put her daddy's future inheritance into a foundation set up to pay all of Fred's family's medical bills. Mary would now only get the 200,000 one time payment grandpa left to each of his grandchildren....
So she did the only thing a leftwing lesbian Hillary supporting money grubbing bitch from a dysfunctional family that had spent her whole life waiting for grandpa to die so they'd all be rich could do... sue the aunt's and uncles. She lost the suit, didn't get what she wanted, so she wants revenge.
The Hillary supporting leftwing lesbian from a dysfunctional family with an alcoholic father who's father drank himself to death which cheated her out of becoming rich when grandpa died..... wrote a book.... and we are supposed to take her seriously and talk about why Donald Trump is the bad guy.......
Jesus. H. Christ.
Let's see..
Mary Trumps father was Fred Trump, Donald Trumps brother. The one who was an alcoholic and drank himself to death. The one that Donald Trump looked up to so much that seeing his brother killing himself with alcohol upset Donald so much that he swore to never drink a drop. Donald and Fred's father, in his will, divided his estate between his children. But Fred died before his father, and instead of waiting until he died to give Fred's children (which included Mary) their fathers share, Trump Sr. Set up a foundation that paid for all of Fred's children's medical bills - which were many due to Mary's sister in law giving birth to a child with serious lifelong medical issues.
A little about Mary.... she was once married to a woman. She voted for Hillary Clinton, and is a rabid Left winger. So.... a girl grows up with an alcoholic father who pissed his life away, a truly dysfunctional family unit because of his addiction, the whole family knowing that when grandpa died they'd be rich, but daddy died before grandpa, and sister in law had a sick child that grandpa wanted to see taken care of so Mary watched as grandpa put her daddy's future inheritance into a foundation set up to pay all of Fred's family's medical bills. Mary would now only get the 200,000 one time payment grandpa left to each of his grandchildren....
So she did the only thing a leftwing lesbian Hillary supporting money grubbing bitch from a dysfunctional family that had spent her whole life waiting for grandpa to die so they'd all be rich could do... sue the aunt's and uncles. She lost the suit, didn't get what she wanted, so she wants revenge.
The Hillary supporting leftwing lesbian from a dysfunctional family with an alcoholic father who's father drank himself to death which cheated her out of becoming rich when grandpa died..... wrote a book.... and we are supposed to take her seriously and talk about why Donald Trump is the bad guy.......
Jesus. H. Christ.
I’m half way into the book. Much of it is just trashing her grandfather and pinning him on every failed child in the family. It’s pretty extraordinary the lengths she goes through to tear a family apart even if she uses them as victims. I am wondering why a clinical psychologist would do that. Of course there is nothing so unusual about the grandfather, he is not portrayed as doing any one thing that is cruel enough to land in a tabloid even and could be the family story of literally millions of people.
I will say this, it is not an upbringing you would expect to read about a future President of the US.
I’m half way into the book. Much of it is just trashing her grandfather and pinning him on every failed child in the family. It’s pretty extraordinary the lengths she goes through to tear a family apart even if she uses them as victims. I am wondering why a clinical psychologist would do that. Of course there is nothing so unusual about the grandfather, he is not portrayed as doing any one thing that is cruel enough to land in a tabloid even and could be the family story of literally millions of people.
I will say this, it is not an upbringing you would expect to read about a future President of the US.
@Loki said in I bought Mary Trump’s book:
I’m half way into the book. Much of it is just trashing her grandfather and pinning him on every failed child in the family. It’s pretty extraordinary the lengths she goes through to tear a family apart even if she uses them as victims. I am wondering why a clinical psychologist would do that. Of course there is nothing so unusual about the grandfather, he is not portrayed as doing any one thing that is cruel enough to land in a tabloid even and could be the family story of literally millions of people.
I will say this, it is not an upbringing you would expect to read about a future President of the US.
There are simple explanations.
She's nuts....
@Mik said in I bought Mary Trump’s book:
@Larry said in I bought Mary Trump’s book:
What's with you and those flippin' Filipinos anyway?
I bet you didn't know that one racial slur toward Filipinos is "flips"....
Go to Bolton’s book. They guy is brilliant. A bit hawkish I admit but razor sharp.
As I understand it, her brother and his wife had a child with severe medical problems that would cost lots and lots of money over its lifetime. Mary's father died before his father ( Trump Sr) did. Senior had planned to leave equal shares to his own kids (Donald and his siblings). Had Senior died first, Senior figured that Mary's father would have taken care of the sick grandchild in his will. So when Mary's father died first, Senior decided to change his will to set up a foundation for the purpose of paying all medical bills for everyone in that family group. Donald wouldn't have had anything at all to do with that.
Go to Bolton’s book. They guy is brilliant. A bit hawkish I admit but razor sharp.
@bachophile said in I bought Mary Trump’s book:
Go to Bolton’s book. They guy is brilliant. A bit hawkish I admit but razor sharp.
A worthy read? Beyond just the complaints about his boss that have been discussed in the media?