What are you playing now?
Schubert: Two of the Op 90 impromptus
Debussy: Pagodes and Clair de Lune
Rachmaninoff: Prelude 32/12 G#m, Etude 39/1 Am
I've got the Prelude and Allemande of the Bb partita pretty much under my fingers. Like so many of the P&Fs from the WTC, I'm sure they'll go away within a week of no constant practice.
Starting the courente - that's tricky AF.
Also, inspired by @jon-nyc , I'm taking another look at the Schubert Op 90 #1. I played with it (not "played" it) a few years ago. Gonna put that on my plate.
Going to do a recital in a few weeks, brahms 118.2 followed by the c#m fugue from WTC1. Recorded it yesterday for my youtube subscribers.
Link to video -
Very nice. I'm one of those weirdos that actually likes recitals.
I'm looking forward to the recital. It'll be at a church, so the piano and acoustics should be good. I think the other players will be kids mostly, but hopefully some other adults. My teacher has other adults in his studio, but he's not sure if they'll be playing.
Well played, Horace.
@Horace Awesome job!!!
Very nice, Horace.
I have a canine accompanist, too.
I've always loved that fugue.
At one time, I had that Brahms under my fingers, but, at that time, I struggled with the polyrhythm. Now that IDGAF, I should revisit.
Nice playing, Horace. Very nice.
Thanks, Phibes and GK. That's my favorite of Bach's fugue too, George, though now I don't hear it as well because of the repetition. My teacher's favorite is the E major from book 2. I'm trying to understand why it's so great. I think my ear is not refined enough. I will learn it one of these days.
Messing around with some of the Guaraldi Christmas pieces. Also been noodling around with some old faves, Chopin, Debussy, Ravel, etc. I've been in the house a month now and it's nice to play the real piano again, so I just pick stuff up and read through it.
After xmas I'll probably take on something new.
I'm working on P&F in E Major from WTC2. Will probably perform it in April.
Somewhere around Dallas. Maybe the same church as last time, or maybe not. I don't think my teacher uses the same venue every year.
Oh ok a teacher’s recital. That’s cool.