Nature is Metal
@Horace said in Nature is Metal:
the protests were mostly harmless.
They were, very true. What's interesting to me is the balance of comparison game that's being played with them: X amount of property damage negates Y peaceful protesters and makes them in my mind just the same as the former group. It's a very strange and silly way of thinking.
I'm old enough to remember when Trump permanently shamed himself by saying a protest that apparently had some racists in it also included some fine folk.
@Horace said in Nature is Metal:
I'm old enough to remember when Trump permanently shamed himself by saying a protest that apparently had some racists in it also included some fine folk.
So today's protests apparently—that is to say, it is alleged—have some rioters amongst them?
Is the rig moving?
@George-K said in Nature is Metal:
That snail would make a
greatinteresting pet. I wonder if you can house-break it.Playing fetch would suck. You'd have to wait for freaking ages to get the stick back.
Two turtles got into an accident at an intersection.
The only eyewitness was a snail. The policeman asked the snail what exactly happened.
The snail replied - "I dont really know. It all happened so fast........."
One halloween, there was a knock at the door of the most miserable old guy in town. He opened the door to see a snail on his step. "Trick or treat!!!" said the snail. The grumpy old bugger shouted, "sod off, you stupid creature" and kicked the snail right across the road.
That Christmas, there was another knock at the door. "I hope it's not bloody carol singers" said the old guy, "I'll give 'em what for. the little..." he walked to the door. When he opened it, he was outraged to see the snail had returned. Rather than singing, the snail just asked "What did you do that for?"
Putting my detective glasses on, it looks like someone shot something in the water that then blew up.
When I lived in Tucson, I was looking out the front window during a storm, when a lightning bolt hit, right across the street in the desert. It was a huge flash and then an almost instant explosion. Scared the daylights out of me, I had never been so close.
I walked across the street and looked. The lightning bolt hit a barrel cactus, which probably weighed a couple of hundred pounds. The cactus was blown out of the ground and landed around 20 feet away, split in half and charred.
Tucson had fantastic lightning shows. We were lucky, as our view overlooked the city. We also could watch as a dust storm would come across the city from the southeast, a huge wall of brown which would suddenly hit like a hurricane, sandblasting everything.
As for George's video, that was amazing! I watched it a couple of times, expecting to see fish floating on the surface.