Mildly interesting
Your periodic reminder that Trump hails from Germany.
bachophilereplied to Mik on 8 Sept 2023, 13:16 last edited by bachophile 9 Aug 2023, 13:19
@Mik said in Mildly interesting:
Is this the find in Israel? They found four Roman swords.
Word is that they were Roman swords stolen and hidden by judean rebels. Dated to the second revolt. That’s against Hadrian in about 135.
George Kreplied to jon-nyc on 9 Sept 2023, 16:34 last edited by George K 9 Sept 2023, 16:35
@jon-nyc said in Mildly interesting:
"We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States..."
And with the stroke of a pen they rewrote history.
No more colonies.
If only they remembered to mention reparations for the descendants of the colonists 250 years later.
And no more calling names like yanks and chaps.
"Chic Lit."
@George-K said in Mildly interesting:
"Chic Lit."
Basically, blokes love to read pretentious philosophical shite, horrendous political books, or comics.
There could also be sex differences on propensity to review books online.
It would be interesting to see this normalized by total number of reviews by genre. You’d then see a relative lead among men in most of the non-fiction segments.
When are you biologists going to learn?
There is no difference.
This is more than "mildly" interesting.
That's a fine-looking hound.