Carthusian Monks
Maybe this topic should have been under "mildly interesting" or "what are you watching now".....
Anyway, I had heard about a documentary about these monks called "Into Great Silence" so did some more research on them
They are considered the strictest of the Christian monks and have a vow of silence except for a Sunday walk when they can talk to each other.
The hermit spends most of his day in the cell: he meditates, prays the minor hours of the Liturgy of the Hours on his own, eats, studies and writes, and works in his garden or at some manual trade. Unless required by other duties, the Carthusian hermit leaves his cell daily only for three prayer services in the monastery chapel, including the community Mass, and occasionally for conferences with his superior. Additionally, once a week, the community members take a long walk in the countryside during which they may speak. On Sundays and solemn feast days a community meal is taken in silence. Twice a year there is a day-long community recreation, and the monk may receive an annual visit from immediate family members.
UNQUOTEMore information on them is at their website
I guess they are famous for Charteuse liquor, which I have never had before. LOL
I did watch the documentary. It was quite interesting, but the pacing of the movie is very slow - kind like the monks life. He went to the master house in France - quite a beautiful area and monastery. There is actually a monastery in Vermont USA.
Gröning proposed the idea for the film to the monks in 1984, but the Carthusians said they wanted time to think about it. They responded to him 16 years later to say they were willing to permit him to shoot the movie if he was still interested. Gröning then came alone to live at the monastery, and to stay in the enclosure, where except for the order's aspirants no visitors are allowed, for a total of six months in 2002 and 2003. He filmed and recorded on his own, using no artificial light.Afterwards, he spent two and a half years editing the film. The final cut contains neither spoken commentary nor added sound effects. It consists of images and sounds that depict the rhythm of monastic life, with occasional intertitles displaying selections from Holy Scripture.
Link to video
UNQUOTEA quite interesting way of life, not one that I could do, but I am sure the guys find a very peaceful strength to do something like that.
Before you watch the movie, I recommend you do some research on the monks. It helps to understand more parts of the movie as there is no talking or explanation on what is happening.
Once a week walk in the countryside and idle chatter??
I watched this and posted about it in the early days of the original TNCR. I loved the documentary. I suspect I could have been happy with an ascetic life, but who knows. I also tried Chartreuse. It made me sick.
@Horace said in Carthusian Monks:
I watched this and posted about it in the early days of the original TNCR. I loved the documentary. I suspect I could have been happy with an ascetic life, but who knows. I also tried Chartreuse. It made me sick.
Great mind think alike! LOL
I will have to try Chartreuse sometime.
Yes, the monks of Grand Chartreuse, famous for the herbal liqueur which suddenly became incredibly hard to acquire and expensiveafter the monks ramped down production citing climate concerns. As a Catholic I disagree with that boneheaded decision.
Among the world’s greatest cocktails is The Last Word: Equal parts gin, chartreuse, Maraschino liqueur, and fresh lime juice, shaken and strained.
Yes, the monks of Grand Chartreuse, famous for the herbal liqueur which suddenly became incredibly hard to acquire and expensiveafter the monks ramped down production citing climate concerns. As a Catholic I disagree with that boneheaded decision.
Among the world’s greatest cocktails is The Last Word: Equal parts gin, chartreuse, Maraschino liqueur, and fresh lime juice, shaken and strained.
@Ivorythumper said in Carthusian Monks:
Yes, the monks of Grand Chartreuse, famous for the herbal liqueur which suddenly became incredibly hard to acquire and expensiveafter the monks ramped down production citing climate concerns. As a Catholic I disagree with that boneheaded decision.
Among the world’s greatest cocktails is The Last Word: Equal parts gin, chartreuse, Maraschino liqueur, and fresh lime juice, shaken and strained.
They had a bonus scene in the documentary about the making of the liquor. The recipe is closely guarded and only a few know the exact combination of herbs and plants, etc that go into making it. Now, I am curious about it. LOL
@Mik said in Carthusian Monks:
You sure do know a lot about cocktails. Are you sure you’re not a Presbyterian?
I've never tried one, have you?
1 1/2 ounces whiskey 2 ounces club soda 2 ounces ginger ale Lemon twist, for garnish
@Mik said in Carthusian Monks:
You sure do know a lot about cocktails. Are you sure you’re not a Presbyterian?
I've never tried one, have you?
1 1/2 ounces whiskey 2 ounces club soda 2 ounces ginger ale Lemon twist, for garnish