Bret Weinstein's plan to save the US
Sounds interesting, but I guess it's rather unrealistic that this gains traction.
What a horrible website. It's about as clear as his novel approach that no one in the history of the universe has ever thought of. /sarc but not the website, it really is suxor, one of the worst I've seen in the universe.
My first question to Bret would be to ask for clarifications. He states 2 candidates, one from the center-left, the other from the center-right. Sorry, but if I were to ask 10 different people to define "center-left" and "center-right," I'm confident I would find 10 different answers, not one answer repeated by all 10, or anything even close.
Another questions would be somewhat insulting: one of his favorite words is bootstraps. I have no idea what he means, it doesn't seem to be along the lines of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps."
For example, he says, " People source their news from peers and channels that have bootstrapped their way into the public consciousness." It must mean something above my ability to understand.It's too bad. On Fox a couple of nights ago, Bret came across very well, until he brought this up at the tail end. My reaction was, "no, don't do it!" because for all the people that don't know his background from Evergreen, the impression was that this guy is some kind of nut, wanting to completely change things a few months before an election. If not a nut, then someone that hopes to get rich as soon as the Help Us With $$$ starts. Maybe both.
I suppose the next best thing to a benevolent dictator is a pair of benevolent dictators, trading placed every four years. /sarc2
Absolutely nuts. At least Nigel Farage worked for 25 years to make changes occur. Bret and Heather, along with Eric I suppose, want to make tectonic changes in 4 months. Absolutely nuts, absolutely stupid. This will be an albatross that Bret will carry around his neck forever, as a brilliant guy "the guy with the crazy idea."
Candidates must meet these three criteria:
They must be patriotic
They must be highly capable
They must be courageousIt's always good to have nice objective selection criteria.
It is too much of a fantasy, though it sounds good. I am sure if you ask President Trump or Vice President Biden if they meet the three criteria that is listed above, both will answer strongly "yes".
@taiwan_girl said in Bret Weinstein's plan to save the US:
It is too much of a fantasy, though it sounds good. I am sure if you ask President Trump or Vice President Biden if they meet the three criteria that is listed above, both will answer strongly "yes".
We’ve seen this movie before. The third lane has taken many forms, too many to name over the years. He’s likely to get a good mailing list though.