Next time yer rheumatiz acts up...
Consider exercise...
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Nice. Very nice, and a ton of fun.
They're what, 30 years old, max?
Let's see some geezers do it....
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I've tried to get MFR to take ballroom dancing with me as a form of exercise and socialization. No sale.
That last couple was cute as stink but . . . I'm sure she could've found an even more boring dress if she applied herself. At the North Platte Nebrasks Good Will, say.
Mik, look around for the movie Love N' Dancing. The swing dancing in that movie will terrify YFR so bad that she'll go along with ballroom to prevent you from forcing her to swing dance.
Wow! Luuv that music! That there is some smilin' and clappin' music.
That gal had some knees on her, eh?
Here's a pretty one from Love N Dancing:
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