Ax’s lame movie recos and cool YT picks
Interesting, but I am confident that the ability to recycle will increase. May require changes in manufacturing, changes in packaging, etc.
I read an article once about when there was the requirement to change the way cans sprayed things. There was this big "pushback" that it would be impossible to change the chemical, spray cans would either go extinct or increase greatly in price, etc. etc. Fortunately, niether really happened. Technology was able to overcome this.
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This one is great!
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This one is great!
@Axtremus said in Ax’s lame movie recos and cool YT picks:
This one is great!
Creative. Reminds me a bit of that movie "Groundhog Day"
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Divine performance of a true masterpiece.
Eugene Ysäye, “Ballade,” Sonata in D minor, Op. 27, No. 3
Violin: Chloe Chua -
Skip to 4:26 for this one:
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I have the aired footage before (first five minutes of the YouTube video), but only stumbled upon the “behind the scene” interview just now (starts about 5 minutes into the video), which is probably even more interesting than aired footage.
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Very nice piece, upbeat, lively, very original, and comtemporary.
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Very nicely performed too. -
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Interesting “outro” as well, don’t miss it.
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Interesting “outro” as well, don’t miss it.
@Axtremus Interesting. LOL
Very impressed with the quality of some of the animation coming out of China these days. The production quality is absolutely top notch.
This one is “Episode 16” from a fictional series drawn from historical elements from the transition period between the end of the Han dynasty and the start of the “Three Kingdom” period. Great concept, great story/script, great character design and character development, masterful storytelling, fluid action design, convincing period costume designs, convincing set/background designs, superb animation and rendering, convincing facial expressions (very hard to do with CGI animation especially when the underlying style is “realism,” this is the best I’ve seen yet).
Also, careful scholarship: at the end of every episode there is one or more “flash cards” providing footnotes mapping key characters/events to records in historical literature.
Episode 16:
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If you want the whole series, try this playlist (from start of the series to date):