What’s up with Trump?
I find it hard to believe that somebody who waves a Bible around like that would engage in extra-marital relations.
@Doctor-Phibes said in What’s up with Trump?:
I find it hard to believe that somebody who waves a Bible around like that would engage in extra-marital relations.
My God, I always thought Bill Clinton was a sleazy SOB, but apparently he too accepts Jesus as Lord.
How could I have been so wrong?
I would say both of those are less likely than not.
Trump was in his mid 20s when abortion became legal. He lived the life of a rich playboy for 40-odd years. So I’d bet more likely than not. In fact, I’d bet more-likely-than-not on abortion number two.
So I just find it funny to see you post the meme.
What’s your over-under on a bet whether Trump has ever paid for a girl he knocked up to get an abortion.
Imagine god presiding. No need to take a mere mortal’s word for it.
@jon-nyc said in What’s up with Trump?:
What’s your over-under on a bet whether Trump has ever paid for a girl he knocked up to get an abortion.
Imagine god presiding. No need to take a mere mortal’s word for it.
Show me the man and I will show you the crime. It’s hilarious to suggest that members of either party are more virtuous than the other. I’m quite sure most of those wanting power have some pretty hefty secrets. I mean even the lionized MLK had quite a documented if not tamped down history.
I suspect many dems feel like the odds have never been so great as the VP assuming the reigns. Normally that would be disqualifying for a Prez candidate. So there’s a secret right there that many are harboring.
You'd think if there was anything to your what if, given the length of time involved and the fact that so many people have spent so much money trying to find dirt on him, that you could come up with at least one piece of evidence. Hell, you can't even come up with a rumor. I on the other hand can show you picture after picture of Biden sniffing a kid's head while having a look on his face like he's getting unnatural pleasure from it. I think there are photos of Obama with Sinclair too, but I see you don't seem interesting in what iffing that....
No, you need to put up or shut up on this one.
@jon-nyc said in What’s up with Trump?:
What’s your over-under on a bet whether Trump has ever paid for a girl he knocked up to get an abortion.
Imagine god presiding. No need to take a mere mortal’s word for it.
Show me the man and I will show you the crime. It’s hilarious to suggest that members of either party are more virtuous than the other. I’m quite sure most of those wanting power have some pretty hefty secrets. I mean even the lionized MLK had quite a documented if not tamped down history.
I suspect many dems feel like the odds have never been so great as the VP assuming the reigns. Normally that would be disqualifying for a Prez candidate. So there’s a secret right there that many are harboring.
@Loki said in What’s up with Trump?:
@jon-nyc said in What’s up with Trump?:
It’s hilarious to suggest that members of either party are more virtuous than the other.
Except for the baby murdering, obviously.
Personally, I've given it up for Lent. Not that I belong to a party. You'll always find me in the kitchen at parties.
@jon-nyc said in What’s up with Trump?:
The thought experiment was already put up.
What's the over/under on you paying for an abortion on a gal you knocked up in your hedonistic days?
Now, what does that have to do with your life today?
My point was simple - don't question someone else's morals when you defend and support the killing of infants. Rather than face facts, the both of you deflected, changed the subject, and made a joke out of it. My poi t wasn't to talk about the horrendous moral crime you defend, it was to point out to you that neither of you have a right to question ANYONE'S morals.
My point was simple - don't question someone else's morals when you defend and support the killing of infants. Rather than face facts, the both of you deflected, changed the subject, and made a joke out of it. My poi t wasn't to talk about the horrendous moral crime you defend, it was to point out to you that neither of you have a right to question ANYONE'S morals.
@Larry said in What’s up with Trump?:
My point was simple - don't question someone else's morals when you defend and support the killing of infants.
You advocate killing infants. When you post about wanting to turn the entire Middle-East into glass, you would turn the infants there into glass too. You want to refrain from questioning any one’s moral from now on, go right ahead.
@jon-nyc said in What’s up with Trump?:
What’s your over-under on a bet whether Trump has ever paid for a girl he knocked up to get an abortion.
Imagine god presiding. No need to take a mere mortal’s word for it.
Show me the man and I will show you the crime. It’s hilarious to suggest that members of either party are more virtuous than the other. I’m quite sure most of those wanting power have some pretty hefty secrets. I mean even the lionized MLK had quite a documented if not tamped down history.
I suspect many dems feel like the odds have never been so great as the VP assuming the reigns. Normally that would be disqualifying for a Prez candidate. So there’s a secret right there that many are harboring.
@Loki said in What’s up with Trump?:
@jon-nyc said in What’s up with Trump?:
What’s your over-under on a bet whether Trump has ever paid for a girl he knocked up to get an abortion.
Imagine god presiding. No need to take a mere mortal’s word for it.
Show me the man and I will show you the crime.
@jon-nyc wasn’t talking about any crime, but specifically about the likelihood of Trump having paid for a girl Trump knocked up to get an abortion.
@jon-nyc said in What’s up with Trump?:
Nobody is posting memes about me being the non-baby killer option.
That's not the point and you know it.