"C'mon! Baby don'tcha wanna go?"
It's SOP down here, that once a person uses a motor vehicle in an attempt to hurt an officer, it is considered attempted murder and deadly force is permissible.
Couple of problems here...
- The cop should have never tried to arrest a belligerent crazy or high person on his own.
- People ain't scared enough of your cops.
Slightly off-topic, the video reminds me of an encounter that Mrs. George and I had while waiting to board The City of New Orleans. We were in the 1st class lounge, about an hour before departure, and an older woman decided it was appropriate to remove her blouse, and bra, and walk about the lounge.
I notified the attendant, and he laughed, and asked me what I was smoking.
"I shit you not. Come and look."
Yeah, they took her away. They were able to locate family who said that she's had "issues." Supposedly, they got her on the train the next day.
Has mental health problems become more common in todays world?
Or, is the treatment less than before?
Or, did we used to lock them away and forget about them and now we dont?