Fake Cheers
I could not find a definition in Russian for 'goyda'. In Urban Dictionary it stands for 'get off your dead ass'. Pretty appropriate.
Before he yelled “Satanists!” he also yelled “Muslims!” The latter of coursedid not show in the subtitles. It can be only be assumed then that Muslims and Satanists are targeted in this holy war, although I do not think there are a lot of either in Ukraine. Not sure that the threat went down all that well with the 24 million Muslims who reside in the Russian Federation and hold Russian citizenship.
As for the expression Goida I did some digging. It is a call to action or arms that goes back to the 16th Century to the reign of Ivan IV “the Terrible”. His personal bodyguard, the Oprichniki, apparently used it as a rallying cry.
Taking lessons from Biden?
Oh, how silly of me...There was nobody at his rallies, so fake cheers would have been really obvious...