10,000 guests drive-thru wedding under COVID-19 restrictions
Covid-19: Couple holds 10,000 people drive-thru wedding in Malaysia
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-55391806This happened in December 2020, though I did not learn about it until today. Apparently there was a couple who, in the thick of COVID-19 restrictions, managed to pulled off a wedding that saw upwards of 10,000 guests. Guests drove by and waved at the couple from within their cars. For food, guests picked up their pre-packaged dinner through the car window and drove on.
And, as if the story is not already interesting enough, on the day after the wedding, the groom’s politician father was found guilty in a $500k corruption case and sentenced to 12 months of prison and a fine.
And the authorities could not figure out why they could only find $1000 from all the money he took.