Douthat: Why Coronavirus is Winning
From the article:
"But the rules bought time for warmer weather and social adaptations and hopefully a slower spread, they bought time for hospitals and masks and medical equipment, they brought us at least some distance closer to a vaccine — and on the evidence of the stock market and the jobs numbers, they did so without creating the total economic calamity that many on the right were prophesying" [and many on the left ardently hoped for].
It's a most excellent piece. Where it goes from here remains to be seen, but the only thing that will save us from a second wave is if the virus dies off in summer.
@Mik said in Douthat: Why Coronavirus is Winning:
It's a most excellent piece. Where it goes from here remains to be seen, but the only thing that will save us from a second wave is if the virus dies off in summer.
In February I predicted that those that were saying that both sides would declare they were correct, no matter what:
"See? We told you it would be horrible!"
"See? We told you it wouldn't be that bad!"My next prediction? 6 Months from now, both sides will declare they were correct.
"There was a second wave! It could have/should have been avoided!"
"Second wave? That small blip? Please..." -
I've been told we're not going back into the office until September 1st at the earliest. The company I work for is very big on risk mitigation.
Last week our CEO said Covid was single largest insurance event in history.
This isn't over yet.
@Mik said in Douthat: Why Coronavirus is Winning:
It's a most excellent piece. Where it goes from here remains to be seen, but the only thing that will save us from a second wave is if the virus dies off in summer.
In February I predicted that those that were saying that both sides would declare they were correct, no matter what:
"See? We told you it would be horrible!"
"See? We told you it wouldn't be that bad!"My next prediction? 6 Months from now, both sides will declare they were correct.
"There was a second wave! It could have/should have been avoided!"
"Second wave? That small blip? Please..."@LuFins-Dad said in Douthat: Why Coronavirus is Winning:
@Mik said in Douthat: Why Coronavirus is Winning:
It's a most excellent piece. Where it goes from here remains to be seen, but the only thing that will save us from a second wave is if the virus dies off in summer.
In February I predicted that those that were saying that both sides would declare they were correct, no matter what:
"See? We told you it would be horrible!"
"See? We told you it wouldn't be that bad!"My next prediction? 6 Months from now, both sides will declare they were correct.
"There was a second wave! It could have/should have been avoided!"
"Second wave? That small blip? Please..."LuFins Dad - I agree. You will be absolutely right!!!
@Mik said in Douthat: Why Coronavirus is Winning:
It's a most excellent piece. Where it goes from here remains to be seen, but the only thing that will save us from a second wave is if the virus dies off in summer.
In February I predicted that those that were saying that both sides would declare they were correct, no matter what:
"See? We told you it would be horrible!"
"See? We told you it wouldn't be that bad!"My next prediction? 6 Months from now, both sides will declare they were correct.
"There was a second wave! It could have/should have been avoided!"
"Second wave? That small blip? Please..."@LuFins-Dad said in Douthat: Why Coronavirus is Winning:
@Mik said in Douthat: Why Coronavirus is Winning:
It's a most excellent piece. Where it goes from here remains to be seen, but the only thing that will save us from a second wave is if the virus dies off in summer.
In February I predicted that those that were saying that both sides would declare they were correct, no matter what:
"See? We told you it would be horrible!"
"See? We told you it wouldn't be that bad!"My next prediction? 6 Months from now, both sides will declare they were correct.
"There was a second wave! It could have/should have been avoided!"
"Second wave? That small blip? Please..."Absolutely.
Now, lets see those comments in the context of the Floyd "protests."