8 in 10
Now, I want them to believe the FBI was the driving force behind burying it on social media.
Now, I want them to believe the FBI was the driving force behind burying it on social media.
Well, Zuckerberg has said as much.
That’s a stretch. According to Zuck, the fbi issued a general request not to promote disinformation. They didn’t lean on them about this or that story.
The idea that a laptop that shows up weeks before an election might be disinformation seems more than a little plausible.
Kind of makes you wonder why the geniuses who got ahold of it passed it on to Giuliani if they wanted it to be taken seriously. But I guess if you spend your days wallowing in OANN he probably seemed reputable.
Now, I want them to believe the FBI was the driving force behind burying it on social media.
Well, Zuckerberg has said as much.
That’s a stretch. According to Zuck, the fbi issued a general request not to promote disinformation. They didn’t lean on them about this or that story.
a general request not to promote disinformation
It was more specific than that:
When Rogan asked Zuckerberg if the FBI “specifically” said the social media giant should “be on guard about that story,” the tech titan said he couldn’t recall.
“No, I don’t remember if it was that specifically, but it basically fit the pattern,” he said.
"That story" seems to be pretty specific to me.
a general request not to promote disinformation
It was more specific than that:
When Rogan asked Zuckerberg if the FBI “specifically” said the social media giant should “be on guard about that story,” the tech titan said he couldn’t recall.
“No, I don’t remember if it was that specifically, but it basically fit the pattern,” he said.
"That story" seems to be pretty specific to me.
@George-K But you’re ignoring Zucks response.
And of course it fits the general pattern. That was my point above.
@jon-nyc fair enough. IOW, it wasn't specific, but their request for being on guard for THAT STORY "fit the pattern". So, yeah, vague enough to fit whatever narrative you choose to believe.
FBI: We'd like you to be on the lookout for disinformation.
Zuck: OK. We'll be careful.
FBI: Thanks.
Zuck: What about this laptop story?
FBI: We can't say any more, but be on the lookout for disinformation.
<FBI agent winks>
Zuck: <checks list> OK. We will.Later on...
Zuck: Hey let's suppress that laptop story. It fits the pattern of what the FBI told us about.
Is that about right?
I read it as zuck saying the story fit the pattern of disinformation. (Which it does - fucking Giuliani???)
zuck saying the story fit the pattern of disinformation
I read it as the way the FBI presented the story, it fit the pattern.
And now, here we are. All that BS has been thoroughly discredited. It's real and it's spectacular.
Do you really believe that the FBI, the organization that falsified FISA warrants, ignored felonious behavior regarding firearms, which ignored classified information taken out of the Department of State because there was no "intent," whose #2 man claims that he'd "stop it" (the election of Trump) was forthcoming about the validity of the laptop?
And, the FBI never had any proof that it was disinformation. It "fit the pattern," That doesn't work in a courtroom, and it shouldn't here.
And now, Ashley's diary is an issue.
Yeah, piss down my leg and tell me it's raining.
“The organization that falsified documents”
Is that the proper characterization when it was a lone guy doing it without the knowledge of his superiors?
Is the United States Post Office “the organization that murders its employees” ever since the first incident of a clerk going postal?
“The organization that falsified documents”
Is that the proper characterization when it was a lone guy doing it without the knowledge of his superiors?
Is the United States Post Office “the organization that murders its employees” ever since the first incident of a clerk going postal?
The organization that falsified documents”
Is that the proper characterization when it was a lone guy doing it without the knowledge of his superiors?Yeah, it is.
If you hire untrustworthy subordinates, you have to accept responsibility for them.
What were the repercussions of that, by the way?
Regarding "lone guy," note the plurals:
The FISC slammed the FBI in a rare public statement last month following Horowitz’s report.
“The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable,” the court wrote.
Is it raining in here?
The organization that falsified documents”
Is that the proper characterization when it was a lone guy doing it without the knowledge of his superiors?Yeah, it is.
If you hire untrustworthy subordinates, you have to accept responsibility for them.
What were the repercussions of that, by the way?
Regarding "lone guy," note the plurals:
The FISC slammed the FBI in a rare public statement last month following Horowitz’s report.
“The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable,” the court wrote.
Is it raining in here?