Weird dreams
Talk about weird dreams...
Mrs. George and I were headed down the stairs to catch a subway. Somehow, Maggie ( cat #1) was with us and escaped from her carrier. She scooted down the stairs, onto the subway platform and ran into an arriving train.
We were able to get onto the train, but going car to car revealed no sign of her.
And then, I had to pee...
Wonder how it all ended.
I should start documenting my dreams here. Like the other night when me an Paulie from the Sopranos went into a wine shop. And that was only one small vignette from the whole dream.
@Jolly said in Weird dreams:
Sorry, I rarely dream. Maybe a couple of times a year.
You do. You just don't remember. All animals dream, it's a basic function of the brain - sorting out what's important, seeing if connections to real-life events should be stored or relegated to the trash heap of memory.
Studies in which
victimssubjects were deprived of REM sleep showed serious psychological trauma. -
I have weird dreams all. The. Time.
Last night, I met Jordan Peterson on a pirate ship. Like, it was still modern day—he was in a suit—but we were on a historic pirate ship. We started talking about surgeries, and it turns out we had the same procedure done: we had something removed through our back. (I forget what it was except to say outside of dream-world it was definitely nonsense.) He had something about it he wanted to show me, so he took his shirt off and showed me this massive, gnarly scar that ran over the course of his back. But that wasn't the weird thing. The weird thing was his back tattoo. It was ginormous, from his shoulders all the way on downward. It looked very much Escher's lizard tessellations, except really cubist, like if Picasso did them instead. The tattoos moved like the Illustrated Man.
Then I woke up.
I usually don't share these things.