Tired of the woke? Try this on for size....
Hungarian PM warns against racial mixing....
A member of Viktor Orban's inner circle has resigned after the Hungarian prime minister spoke out against becoming a "mixed race".
Zsuzsa Hegedus, who has known the nationalist Mr Orban for 20 years, described the speech as a "pure Nazi text", according to Hungarian media.
The International Auschwitz Committee of Holocaust survivors called the speech "stupid and dangerous".
Mr Orban's spokesman said the media had misrepresented the comments.
The speech took place on Saturday in a region of Romania which has a large Hungarian community.
In it, Mr Orban said European peoples should be free to mix with one another, but that mixing with non-Europeans created a "mixed-race world".
Meh. Try being a black man and telling a black woman you want to date white girls. See what you get.
@Copper said in Tired of the woke? Try this on for size....:
Mr. Biden celebrates the Holocaust .
Turing fail.
@Mik said in Tired of the woke? Try this on for size....:
Meh. Try being a black man and telling a black woman you want to date white girls. See what you get.
You went there, didn't you?
@Jolly said in Tired of the woke? Try this on for size....:
@Mik said in Tired of the woke? Try this on for size....:
Meh. Try being a black man and telling a black woman you want to date white girls. See what you get.
You went there, didn't you?
It goes where it goes.
And Mik knows that. He watches Bosch.
No one ever accused me of being a devoted multiculturalist.
People - all animals, really - like to associate with those who are rather like themselves. I think America does a pretty good job of being that melting pot, by and large, where people assimilate rather than segregate.
Well, not Phibes, but you can only expect so much.