Borowitz on Bannon
"Bannon’s Lawyers Argue That Imprisoning Him Would Be Cruel and Unusual Punishment for Other Prisoners
"Forcing prisoners to be locked up with Bannon would violate 'not only the Constitution, but the Geneva Conventions,' an attorney said."
Speaking of Bannon, he actually cleans up pretty good. He doesn't look anything like a wino under a bridge these days.
Stephen K. Bannon, the right-wing podcaster and longtime confidante of former president Donald Trump, was convicted of contempt of Congress for his refusal to provide documents or testimony to a House committee probing the Jan. 6, 2021 attack.
The trial, which lasted a week and only featured two witnesses, tested a rarely-used criminal statute meant to ensure that people comply with congressional subpoenas. Earlier this month as he prepared for trial, Bannon had vowed to go “medieval” on his enemies. But most of his legal arguments were rejected by the trial judge, and Bannon ended up calling no witnesses.“This case is not complicated, but it is important,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Molly Gaston told jurors in closing arguments Friday morning. “The defendant chose allegiance to Donald Trump over compliance with the law.”
Bannon, 68, is the closest person to Trump to be convicted of a crime amid the fallout from the attack on Congress, which occurred as lawmakers met to formally tally the 2020 presidential election result. The contempt case involved efforts to investigate the attack on Congress and what led up to it, rather than the actual events of the day.
Each of the two misdemeanor charges is punishable by at least 30 days and up to one year in jail. But such prosecutions are rare, and no one has been incarcerated for contempt of Congress in more than half a century, since the red-baiting trials of the Cold War era. A sentencing hearing was scheduled for Oct. 21.
Good. Now do Eric Holder. Lock him up.
Are Dems going to rue the day they opened up this legal can of worms?