The Biological Clock
I've started to kind of get the feeling that my energy level peaks at a time during the day that is different from what I've always believed. To get a handle on this, I scrolled around and found something that I thought might be of general interest.
Here is a website page on biorhythm and its influence on internal organs. Its thesis is that "each organ in our body has its dedicated time period of approximately 2 hours in a given day during which it works most efficiently." It shows a pic of a clock with sketches of each organ below its peak time. I.e. between 1100 and 1300 is a sketch of a heart. But the useful part is the explanations which follow.
Is this clear? For example, "Towards 7AM the heart rate starts to go up and secretion of hormones increases, including testosterone. Concentration of this male hormone in the blood stream is 40% higher than at midnight, which explains why men love morning sex."
It gives advice as to which life activities are best pursued at which times, and why. Also which organ(s) to help along if the reader is having trouble with them. For example, from 1-3AM "the function of liver is at its peak – it eliminates fats from the bloodstream and excretes toxic substances". It's interesting! It might serve as a useful guide for which habits to pursue when and which ones to avoid when.
A superquick read suggested this might be a direct sales company, which YMMV, whatever, I don't care about that part. But maybe you'll find at least reading this material to be interesting.